Tag Archives: hung

Holiday Weekend Shopping

Darius had arrived early to take advantage of early bird shopping specials, but he questioned why. Everyone else was waiting outside of the big box stores or staying home to avoid the crowds. For some reason, he had felt compelled to come in though. Normally he didn’t find the ads on social media swayed him one way or the other, but something about that ad he saw earlier in the week… and then kept seeing…. he simply had to watch it every time. Sometimes multiple times on loop. And now here he was, at the store, where that same music from the ad kept playing.  Darius temporarily snapped out of it. ‘I better check out,’ he thought.
Stephen was more than happy to assist Darius, but also seemed very intent on making sure the customer really wanted the apparel. “We’ve actually had a lot of returns on these – not because they are bad, but the sizing for fit can be off. I’d feel a lot better selling these to you if I knew you had tried them on.”

Darius wasn’t sure why if felt so good to do as the sales associate had asked, but he felt as if he had to oblige – and with the store empty, Stephen waited right outside the dressing room. Darius thought it was a little strange, but it also gave him a strange sense of pleasure. He realized he loved getting to show off his body in those trunks that were indeed just the right fit for him. Hearing a “Lookin’ good, stud,” felt even better. Darius looked Stephen in the eyes. He needed to serve this young man. To please him. Stephen started to undress, seemingly confident in what his customer was thinking. Slipping off his own shorts as he prepared to kneel down and worship that beautiful cock that had just been exposed to him, Darius felt like it must have been destiny that he had seen that ad and decided to come into the store for the special sale. But despite how he felt as he began to worship his cock, it had not been destiny.

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Curbside Pickup

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Jock’s New Pleasure Center

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Locker Room Campaigning

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Curse or Gift?: A Halloween Tale

Usually the weekend before Halloween was filled with big parties,  but Aaron was sleeping. Such was the boring life in a city with rising virus numbers and having to isolate. All he could do was dream of catching up on all the fun next year. Yet, he wasn’t as alone as he thought……for in the shadows lurked a mysterious figure that was about to change his life.

Aaron always had above-average intelligence, which he used to put himself through law school. Eventually he had become one of the hottest junior partners at a big law firm known for helping big CEOs use their resources to sue anyone that seemed to be getting in their way. Perhaps it was karma, then – or perhaps it was completely random – that the mysterious figure began to covertly hypnotize Aaron into a dumb jock. Slowly touching the muscled otter, the figure rubbed his chest while giving suggestions of a more simple life.
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Gym Crush

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Gonna Be a Top Jock

Kristian couldn’t wait to be on the team, but his past skills on previous teams had him feeling cocky about his place on Coach’s team. “I’m gonna be one of your top jocks, Coach,” he flat-out insisted.

Is that so, Kristian? I guess we’ll have to wait and see how well you do with your training. 

Kristian had no doubts, but he also was not aware of just what exactly Coach’s training involved… but he was about to find out. As he listened to Coach drone on about what to expect at practices, he started to feel like he was zoning out.

Soon, Kristian had felt the need to relax further, undoing his pants as he let them slide down his legs. “I’m listening Coach.”

Good jock. It just feels so right to learn the right ways to make the score go up, and as you drift down, I bet your cock is now filling up… and it’s perfectly okay to stroke right along that right now as My words continue to sink deeper down in your mind.

His head nodding off into trance, Kristian found it increasingly easy to do as suggested.

Good jock. Now just continue to stroke as you open your eyes and watch the team training video.

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