Tag Archives: hung

Team Rovers

My top jocks – the captains and star players – usually enjoy the benefit of having a designated suck buddy to help pump them up before a big game or sometimes even ahead of a hard workout. There’s nothing like getting that testosterone flowing like a good blow job – as long as you stop right before climax and then save that pump for the court, the field, the gym.

Yet, what if one of the suck buddies ends up sick, or having to travel to see family or for a college trip? That’s where My roving jocks come in. They’re molded for chastity so don’t feel too let down if they’re not needed, but when there is a top jock needing some help, they make sure to offer their services. Often the top jocks will be sitting with their cocks out, signaling their need for service.

Because they don’t get the regular action, these ‘alternates’ are always super eager when they do get a chance to go down on one of their team leaders. And because they’re roving, they have to be trained to take ANY cock – no matter how much girth or length it has. These are some of the most-skilled blow job givers on the team, able to go very deep as their throat becomes a pleasure center. Yet, they always know how to stop just in the nick of time as well.

Their reward, of course, is a hot fuck from the top jock after that hard workout, practice or game. And they love this as the now sweaty jock still has so much energy pent up to give it to them good. Before that, though, a bit of rimming to loosen up that hole. After periods of chastity, that rim job in itself can feel like orgasmic ecstasy.

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Coach Gets Himself a Valentine

“So glad it’s a long weekend so I could come visit you, Coach.”

Me too, jock. Now I can give myself a Valentine.

“What do you mean, Coach?”

You wanted to explore being a dumb jock, right?

“Yeah, Coach. Who couldn’t use a break after this last year?

I know I could use a treat, and that’s precisely why you’re here. Just go ahead and begin to relax for Me. Just strip away inhibitions.

 Simply letting go of any of the worries or concerns of what’s been going on this world, knowing that you are perfectly safe here with Me. And as you continue to relax and strip off those clothes for Me, you also begin to strip away that intelligence. Just feel your brain draining down in to that cock as you begin to think with your penis…. for it’s getting harder…. and thinking is becoming harder… why not just think with your dick?  It’s so much easier. Just feel those brains up now as you continue to drain for Me. Draining those smarts….draining those thoughts….draining that will.

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The Shave

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Earning a Meathead

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Fuck Pig

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Nolan had taken a gap year after graduation, as many did due to shutdowns that would make the college experience far from the norm. He chose to safely, yet cheaply, travel around the country, stopping in places like national parks to camp. Occasionally he’d find himself needing to find somewhere else to stay, and many private colleges actually offered cheap rooming without all their students there. Though he had delayed attendance at a top-tier university, little did the young man know he’d soon be making a transfer to be part of Coach’s team… but Coach had a way of getting to a man’s true desires deep down. And as strange music played in the empty hallway as as Nolan explored, he’d soon find himself becoming quite sleepy. He stopped to rest against the wall, before continuing on. ‘Where is that music coming from,’ he thought.

As he looked up and about, he couldn’t see any speakers. ‘Maybe it’s coming from outside,’ the thought, as he made it to the doors to look through the glass. And  yet, he couldn’t see anything there either. Despite his curiosity, the young man was beginning to feel incredibly relaxed and wanting to simply become comfortable. He’d already taken off his shirt that had begun to feel itchy, and soon he’d unbutton his pants for a bit of a looser fit. His hand now had room to reach down and feel his ass – and ass that felt like it was longing to be touched and given pleasure. Nolan tried to shake the thoughts from his head as he thought, ‘I just need to sit down for a while.’ Yet his loosened jeans left the feeling of a draft over his butt that, along with the incredibly soothing music, only seemed to relax him further. ‘I just need to get comfortable.’

Continue reading Accommodations

Meathead Exhibitionist

There is a muscle man inside of you, yearning to take over. He is an alternate version of who you are, with all the same memories, but his interests are different for all he cares about is muscle. Sure, you already care about muscle, but I mean it is ALL he cares about. And muscle is all that he wants you to care about. He wants it to become more of an obsession for you. For he is a meathead – and the more you begin to flex those muscles for Me, the more you allow that meathead to take over. And when you begin thinking about more muscle, you find that more and more of your mind becomes devoted to things like workout techniques and meal optimization.

When that meathead takes over, it is as if all other learned knowledge is locked away into a place where it can still be accessed if needed – but you don’t need it when building muscle. You only need to know the things that help you to hulk out. So begin pushing those memories to the background now, as you also begin stripping down. And as you strip down, you also strip away more of those inhibitions. Simply becoming more and more comfortable showing off that muscle for Coach. More and more of your free time is devoted to muscle, and more and more of your thoughts are devoted to muscle. And while you still have that side that knows you need to keep making money to afford the gym and supplements, perhaps what you do becomes less important so long as you still can make money that helps you to build muscle. Just keep flexing and allow that musclehead persona to become more prominent.

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