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Yet soon the lustful pleasure again overwhelmed him as he continued to further stroke to the programming. As the programming removed his inhibitions, his clothes further slipped off until he was completely naked in the vehicle.
Continue to strip those clothes off as you strip away any remaining resistance you have to becoming that simple himbo that loves to have fun. There’s no need to overthink things when you think with your dick, because your dick simply thinks about what makes it so very hard. You can feel it pulsing at the thought of becoming more of a himbo and it throbs as you imagine all the various scenarios you will get to enjoy as you become that complete and total himbo. You may still be very intelligent when it comes to work or things like that, but when it’s time to relax, you find it so easy to put those thoughts that you simply do not need away.
Let go of all those smarts that simply get in the way. Strip away that unnecessary knowledge. Strip away that intelligence. Feel it all draining down, down, down. Left only with that basic knowledge needed to survive.
Let go of all those inhibitions that simply get in the way. Strip away those insecurities. Strip away those fears. You simply do not need them, so let them disappear from that mind right now. Left simply with those base instincts driving you.
Let go of any lingering resistance. Simply unable to resist the pleasure of relaxation. Simply unable to resist transforming into the dimwitted himbo jock you have longed to be. It’s all so very simple as you become that very basic himbo only worried about his basic desires and urges.
Let go further with every piece of apparel you strip off. Stripping down to nothing on that body. Stripping down to nothing in that mind. Stripping down, down, down to the basics of being simple.
Sure can, jock. Why don’t you go ahead and begin relaxing for Me. That’s it. You’ve relaxed for Me before as we worked on that swimming and it’s so easy for you to dive deep down back into trance once more. And as you begin to relax, you can begin to just strip away anything that might keep you from becoming a FitDimWit. Strip away all resistance. Strip away those inhibitions. And soon we’ll strip away that intelligence, though all the smarts we stripped will still be in a chest locked deep in your subconscious, a chest we can unlock in the fall if needed or desired. And as you strip away these things, why don’t you go ahead and begin to strip off those clothes as well. It just feels so good to strip it all away. And as you relax down, those brains can begin to drain down, down, down into your cock as you find yourself thinking more and more with that cock. Thinking is hard, your dick is hard, why not just think with your dick? You are definitely going to enjoy all the attention you’ll get from hot beach studs as you serve as a lifeguard, and you’ll enjoy all that simple fun with them. Yet, no matter how much of a beach himbo you become for the summer, and no matter how dumb you get with everyday knowledge, you will always remember everything you need to know for being a lifeguard and saving lives.