So, you’ve been working out to My files but are ready to take it even further, huh jock? That muscle lust already has left you craving even more muscle, but I understand you also wish to have that muscle get used more as you become more sexual. With that body you’ve been developing, there’s only one thing truly getting in your way of fulfilling these desires – and that’s your brain. I know reducing it’s intelligence is a scary thought to you, but focus on how much you do crave those muscle experiences. Focus on that as you begin to strip away your clothes as well as your inhibitions. More and more, nothing matters but that muscle – both building it and playing with it – for you are becoming a meathead himbo.
That’s right. As you strip down to those hard muscles, you begin to realize that thinking is getting harder and harder for you. And yet the more you don’t think with your brain, the more you fill up with pleasure. It just feels so good to be so simple right now.
That’s right. As you strip down to those hard muscles, you begin to realize that thinking is getting harder and harder for you. And yet the more you don’t think with your brain, the more you fill up with pleasure. It just feels so good to be so simple right now.
And that in turn fills up that dick, and makes that dick hard. Hey, meathead – thinking is hard, but so is that dick, so why not just think with that dick? That’s it. Think with that dick about all that muscle you’re going to build. Think with that dick about all that muscle you’re going to worship, and have worshiped. Think with that dick about how muscle, on both yourself and on others, makes every scene hotter.
And you are going to be having a lot of scenes, because as you let go of that intelligence, you also let go of any of the insecurities that have kept you from putting you out there. You will simply feel more and more outgoing and flirtacious. It’s so easy to talk with guys when you let your dick think for you. No need to overthink things, just nice and simple. That brain shrinking down as it drains down into that cock. That brain that’s always gotten in the way before, now leading the way in your dick.

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