Tag Archives: handyman

Falling For the Handyman

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The Installation

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Being on Top

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The Handyman

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Big Tips


And as you continue to relax further with each and every stroke, you accept completely that you are a musclehead. 

This has been your goal for months, and you’ve been working so hard to build that body up bigger and stronger then it already was. 

Now you are finally ready to let go completely of your old life. 

Just let go, and accept how good it feels to be such a simple musclehead.

Using your muscles to make your money…. and not needing much more knowledge beyond that….

just a complete and total musclehead.

You enjoying being a handyman, musclehead?

“Course coach! Me love new life.”

Looks like your overalls are slipping a bit there…

“Wear loose. Women see muscle. Big tip.”

They have no clue you’d rather be around big muscle too, do they?



Images courtesy of LiveMuscleShow.com – see musclemen live on cam plus more hot photos and videos from the Muscle Partners websites.
