Tag Archives: hairy muscle


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New Year, New (Simple) You

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Meathead’s Special Protein

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Dick the Halls

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On Top of the World

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Consumed by New Desires

Ever since Jamie had begun his new job, he had begun to feel constantly horny. He couldn’t quite explain it as nothing else in his life had changed, besides a recent break-up with his girlfriend – but the horniness had started before then. Maybe it was the music that constantly played at a low volume over the speakers, soft yet pulsing in a way that often left his penis twitching. Perhaps it was working around musky men with muscled bodies as he began fantasizing about his co-workers.

It started innocently enough as he began to admire the muscled builds that a job of labor combined with gym time could build. The company had a basic weight room that many of the guys used to let off some steam during their lunch break, and he found himself doing the same. That lust for more muscle kept evolving though into a lust for muscle. That admiration of men’s physiques grew into attraction, and then a desire that just kept growing stronger. He tried to shake it, but every time, the lust just came back stronger. He’d never thought of men in that way, but the more he hung out in this environment, the more he found himself fantasizing.

The time he worked next to these men inhaling their musk, the more he wondered what it would be like to fuck those he worked with, perhaps even his supervisor Alden. It was at times difficult for him to concentrate on work as thoughts of fucking others drifted into his mind over and over,  and he often had trouble hiding his hard-ons behind his uniform – the large bulge was just too obvious. As constantly aroused as he was by his studly co-workers, he had begun having trouble getting it up for his girlfriend unless he was visualizing one of his muscled mates. Wherever they went, she began to notice that his eyes followed the  men, and it came as a strange relief to him when she left and said, “I think you’ve been lying to the both of us about what you really want.”

Even though more men in general were catching his eye, it really was the hard-working studs he worked with that turned him on most. Something about both being blue collar guys in uniform, getting sweaty together from a hard day’s work, just really began to drive him wild. Though he still showered, he found himself starting to skip deodorant and cologne. For some reason, they had begun to overwhelm his nose, but natural musk started to smell better and better. Not only was he loving how he was smelling, but sometimes he would sneak into the work locker room and find an unlocked unit with some sniffworthy clothes in it. Soon he was spitting on his dick and masturbating to the smells and fantasies on the sly.

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Flashback Friday: Prescription for Relief

Fridays feature flashbacks, sometimes with slight changes and improvement from the original. This one also had been a Patron exclusive but is now free for all.

The holiday period between Thanksgiving and Christmas has always been a busy time for doctors – seasonal flu tends to ramp up while the start of icy conditions begin to cause more accidents with those that seemingly have forgotten how to drive. This year was exceptionally hectic, with medical staff working long hours to make up for both higher demand and issues with staffing.

Being able to take a quick power nap was essential, but some doctors struggled to take their mind off their patients while finding a place to crash. That’s where I came in, contracted out to help doctors let go of other concerns so they could enjoy a short but deeply reinvigorating sleep. One can only have so much caffeine before the hands become jittery, so sometimes a short power trance was the only thing keeping these doctors focused and alert when they worked on patients after a long shift.

Part of what I emphasized to them is that they could learn to dress back up quickly. Knowing they could change clothes fast helped to ease their minds about being called into an emergency, and stripping off their clothes would otherwise help them to separate work time from nap time. I wanted to help create a clear boundary between work and personal time, even when it was a quick trance nap while at work.

This is your time to be comfortable. You should be able to get as comfortable as you would like. And as you take off any unwanted clothes, you also take a load off. Strip off your clothes, and strip your mind free of cares until you put them back on. Enjoy that freedom of being stripped of all clothes and of all worries. 

As I worked with the doctors on letting go, I could tell that many needed more than sleep. They needed release. A release of stress. A release of pent-up energy. A release from everything around them, if even for a brief moment. I invited the two that had seemed the most stressed – Drs. Hallett & Belden – in for a special joint session. As we begun the first joint session, I was left surprised at how comfortable they felt stripping down with each other.

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Serving at the Holiday Dinner

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The Assistant Coach Plan

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Missing Orders

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