Tag Archives: hairy hunk

Flashback Friday: Patriotic Cravings

Originally a Patron exclusive, this story has been made free both as part of Flashback Fridays and as part of being a holiday weekend in the U.S.

“Hey, what gives man? I thought this was supposed to be a party. Where’s everyone else?”

“Harvey, you got your times mixed up and came early. But you might as well hang out until everyone else arrives. Here, let’s put the parade on the TV.”“Dude, I think something’s wrong with your TV. There’s like some weird spiral over the parade.”

“Huh. Probably problems at the station. Just ignore it, bud, you can still see.”

Ronan watched as his friend began to zone out to the spiral overlay mixed with subliminals. It  seemed his friend was in trance, a theory he confirmed as the hairy hunk remained motionless as a new audio track began to play. As his mind received new conditioning, Ronan gave him a new visual to focus on. Harvey woke up unaware of how much time had passed but feeling grateful to have been invited over by his friend. Thoughts of other party guests faded from Harvey’s mind, though the programming left him craving wieners and cake. And soon, that was exactly what Ronan presented to him.
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The Mysterious Mask

Archer wasn’t sure who had sent the box, but he felt compelled to try on the mask inside as soon as he saw it. Though he had an average build before, putting on the mask had seemed to trigger a transformation. He felt stronger, sexier, more confident. His shirt feeling more snug than before, he went to the mirror to confirm the changes. He had to see more, so he quickly stripped off his shirt to reveal a flatter and more defined stomach than just minutes ago. He couldn’t believe it as he felt his new body, a formerly smooth chest now hardened and adorned with fur.

The newly transformed hunk flexed his muscles, admiring his bulging biceps. While he hadn’t become a hulk, he now looked like he regularly visited the gym. He wasn’t sure if the effects would remain if he took the mask off, but he probably should have removed it immediately after knowing the changes – for masks like that always come at a price. The mask had begun to absorb up his intelligence, though the brain drain was slow at first – too slow for him to notice as he remained fixated on flexing  various body parts. ‘Impressive,’ he thought, as he flexed his triceps in a way that also made his pecs look more round. He was loving it.
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Flashback Friday: Free Your Mind

A version of this story was originally posted in 2021 for Silver+ Patrons and has now been made free as part of Flashback Fridays.

Derek had so badly needed this, especially after this past year. Though he didn’t know his co-worker Christian well, as they had mostly interacted via Zoom, he still accepted Christian’s invite for an Independence Day hang.And despite Christian’s insistence of playing a weird mix of patriotic electronica, or whatever odd genre that was, Derek felt incredible. It was as if all his thought and worries were vanishing from his mind, leaving just a simple fun-loving jock. He hadn’t had much to drink but somehow still felt drunk on life. Christian loved to watch him. Heck, he’d loved watching him all along, secretly taking screengrabs of Derek whenever he had the primary screen in the Zoom meetings. There had been a sadness in his eyes that made Christian sad, and so he set out to help his sexy co-worker truly let go for the weekend. And yet, as Derek let go of all inhibitions, Christian realized it was working better than he ever dreamt.

As the day went on, Christian realized that Derek wasn’t just letting go of stress – he was letting go to him. On the one hand, Derek was increasingly free-spirited, having a blast as they played cornhole and enjoyed their holiday getaway. On the other, Derek seemed to be so free of decisions that he kept asking Christian, “What should we do now?” and insisting his co-worker decide for them. “Whatever you want to do. I just don’t have any cares today and I want you to feel just as good.”

As the day went on, Derek also began touching his new co-worker more and more. Even when Christian suggested they pose for a photo, Christian found himself surprised as Derek turned his body towards Christian’s as it was being taken.

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Security Breach

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Backyard Beefcake Blowjobs

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Commanding Officer

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