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Sully and Keaton were jealous of a couple of guys across the hall, Dash and Orion. They were never shy about being seen going to the showers or anything like that. Sure, it seemed like they only got into college based on sports scholarships because it certainly wasn’t academics, but their carefree attitudes appealed to Sully and Keaton, who were both on the nerdier side and always felt like they were trying so hard to fit in – during the few times their harsh academic schedules allowed a break.
What they didn’t know was that their beach-loving buddies were only so carefree because they had each gone through My fitdimwit training program, dumbing down as they stroked for Coach, before being paired together. Both had made excellent subjects and soon they would often stroke each other into trance for more of Coach’s hypnosis to dumb down.
It’s the first step in learning to let right go of what others think, instead left so carefree and left so simple. And I know I am right that this is what you both have been left wanting deep down, because I see those dicks have already been left standing up. So go ahead, boys, and stroke for Coach.
Soon I was instructing the young men on how they two would now be dumb jocks. What I didn’t expect was how instructing the boys to think with their dicks would make Keaton crave dick so much – for his inner jock loving to sexually submit.
Each stroke reinforced that it was best to just think with their dicks. After all, thinking is hard. Their dicks are hard. Why not just think with their dicks? Fuck it felt so good. And though Sully had never been much for sports before, he soon found himself becoming one of the star athletes on the team.
As for Keaton’s place? He soon found it, down on his knees. To think with his dick meant to crave dick more than anything else, and he knew that leaving his teammates satisfied would give him more pleasure than anything else. He jerked and sucked off his teammates until they are all ready to explode at the same time.
As their climaxes approached, he sat down and awaited for their cum – his mouth open ready to swallow as much of it as he could. All of them were dumb jocks, but Keaton also had become a total cum pig, loving to serve all his fellow fitdimwits.