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Warning: This post contains hypnotic language for being a dumbed down jock.
It’s what those dumb jocks have been left doing when they stripped away all other concerns and all their insecurities. When they are left so focused on that physique, they can be left stripping off all those clothes as they are left admiring their progress more and more right in the mirror. They simply are left with no other cares right in this world other than that muscle, and that means they are left just so simply focused on lifting those weights up and down, shedding fat right off while building muscle right up. And the one thing they might be left doing as they are left drifting off to sleep is stroking right along that dick as they are left listening to Coach’s erotic motivation, for the more they empty their head, the more their other head fills.
I did, jock. I wanted to check in on how you were liking your transformation into a gearhead jock.
That’s not just the gear, jock. Deep down, you always feel confident and sexy whenever you’re about to go for a ride – even if it’s a ride you’ve stripped down to take.
“Riding nude is a hot fantasy of mine, Coach, but I ain’t sure it practical. Bugs, sun, wind – not to mention crashing. Ow!”
“What do you mean, Coach? I’m your Valentine?”
You are, jock. Don’t you remember how I claimed you with My special hypnotic kiss?
“Not really, Coach. It’s all a bit of a haze.”
Lift up your shirt and take a look. The mark is right on your body.
“Wow, Coach. You did claim me for Valentine’s!”
That’s right, jock. You were so eager to be the kind of jock that loves to go for a ride, and I helped you to realize how much you would love to go for a ride on Coach.
“I would, Coach. But… somethin’ ain’t makin’ sense. You don’t wear lipstick Coach.”