Tag Archives: gay pigs

Flashback Friday: Productive Crew

Colson had found himself drawn to Moshe’s big package lately. He seemed to be unable to keep his eyes off of it whenever the crew had downtime, such as lunch.

Unfortunately, he also lacked some tact. “Is it true black guys are more hung?”

“Dude, that’s offensive.”

“How is that offensive? Being big is a good thing, ain’t it?”

“And what if I’m not big? It reeks of stereotyping and I shouldn’t be fetishized like that.”

“I’m sorry, man. I swear I’m not fetishizing you.”

Colson meekly continued, “It’s just I… I haven’t been able to take my mind off your cock ever since that productivity expert visited. But I  know you’re not gay. I didn’t think I was gay.” 

Moshe wasn’t so sure his buddy was right about that. But had it really been that visit? “Dude, those were some weird-ass videos he made us watch. Though I can’t really remember much about them now.”

“I think I started to strip, but I don’t really remember either. It was like we were just stuck staring at the screen.”

“You looked really good,” Moshe let slip. “Wait, didn’t you already see my cock that day?”

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