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Having been raised religious, Tanner had not always been so forward and open. That’s not to say he wouldn’t stand up in a crisis, but he had been quite shy and preferred that they keep to themselves. A lot of it stemmed from a fear for his better half, rather than a general fear – but he simply had not been one for PDAs either.
In time, Tanner would have no problem being out on the deck doing more than just kissing and groping – because both of them also had an exhibitionist streak. At least, Jalen did. Tanner’s love of showing off was something I began to instill in him, also at Jalen’s request, as I began to first program him with one-on-one stroke sessions. He had shed behind his religious ties, but now it was time to shed the lingering inhibitions.
Hypnosis simply takes you to a deep state where you can let go of all conscious thoughts. As you let go, it allows all your muscles to relax. And relaxing that body makes it so easy to relax that mind…
I gave motivation for swimming. Every stroke helps you to realize that you have a gift. A gift that was meant to be used. A gift that was meant to be shown off. It just feels so natural and right that your gift should benefit the team. And then, I took those very same words, and made him realize he had another gift… his cock. Your teammates want to help you use your gift. Your teammates want to see that gift as you show if off to them.
Happy Easter to all who celebrate – and chag Pesach samech to all celebrating Passover. Regardless of what you do or don’t celebrate, here’s some fun bonus photos from today’s stories to help brighten up these times – courtesy of