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The following is an anonymous user submission, being posted today in honor of Coach Josh’s birthday. Feel free to write and send your own story in honor of it as well, with other gifts also welcome 🙂
I’m not sure how I got there, but the sudden smell of funnel cakes and popcorn snapped me out of my daze. Instantly I became aware of random carnival noises and crowd chatter. I instinctively tightened my glutes, stiffened my arms, spread my lats, inflated my pecs, tightened my abs and clenched my jaw. I don’t know why, I just did – as the sea of carnival goers passed by nonchalantly… except for the few admirers who stole a gawk or two.
Two years earlier I had committed to stepping up my fitness regimen. I had reached one bitch of a plateau and couldn’t get past it. I changed up my nutrition, tweaked my workouts, hired a personal trainer, more cardio, less cardio, drop sets, HIIT, carb-cycling, intermittent fasting, split routines, been there, done that. As a last resort, I purchased some hypnosis MP3s online hoping they might provide an extra edge that could propel me past this progress slump. It was a long-shot I was willing to take. Plus, I figured I could slap together a shitload of these “motivational” scripts and listen to them on a continuous loop throughout the night while I slept. Multitasking! Couldn’t hurt, right?
That was two years ago. Two years of mind-fuck—every night. Oh, I was a willing participant, and boy did it suck me in from the start. My pumps when through the roof, my “perfect” nutrition was now spot on, my body fat decreased, my shirts were getting WAY tighter (in all the right place), my ass developed an awesome bubble shape that even made ME horny, and – as a happy side effect – my dick was hard quite often. I was constantly horny – and it made me workout even harder. Continue reading Country Fair Torment