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First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here.
“Fine, I’ll put down the phone. Let’s enjoy it before that video training Coach wants us to watch tonight.”
“Cool. Too bad they didn’t spring for a place with more beds though. I might just take a blanket and sleep on the floor.”
“Dude that’s a lot of photos. Can barely make out the words with ’em… and what is this music?”
“My eyes are getting fuzzy watchin’….”
Relax. Horny. Workout. Muscle. Jock. Lust. Simple. Obey. Coach. Horny. Team. Submit. Crave. Suck. Muscle. Relax. Lust. Cock. Surrender. Desire. Fuck. Simple. Muscle. Passion. Jock. Horny.