Tag Archives: Free Fridays

Muscle God Worship

Roman had been conditioning to be a total meathead, his muscles swelling up more and more as his mind became more and more simple. Yet, he hadn’t quite embraced flaunting his muscles… even as I had conditioned him to think less and less, he remained a bit on the shy side. I had to get him to truly give in to the muscle lust.  “I dunno what it is Coach. I just kinda feel silly posin’ and flexin’ and stuff.”

It’s alright, meathead. Let’s work on taking you deeper down. As he drifted into a deep trance, I helped Roman let go of his last remaining inhibitions.

He had been becoming a muscle god, and it was time he felt like a specimen worthy of being worshiped. His muscles were meant to be shown off, and getting to see those muscles shown off would make so many people so very happy.

It just feels so good to know that your muscles fill others with pleasure. Their pleasure becomes your pleasure. You feed off of their lust andd desire. You crave their worship more and more. And every time you see your muscles in a mirror from now on, you will know without a doubt that you are a muscle god worthy of worship.

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Flashback Friday: Serve Your Superior

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original story, then titled “Serve the Men Who Serve Your Country,”  here. 

Emiliano had always been pulling pranks on his buddy Remy during their years studying in the ROTC program together. It often resulted in the two of them getting in trouble, and Remy worried it might undermine his hopes of a military career that would lead to an early retirement. The program already had Coach’s services on hand to help motivate the boys for fitness, but Remy sought to see if I could help in other ways. Soon after, I began some one on one training with Emiliano, who would be instructed to view Remy as his Superior. Soldiers are already programmed to obey orders, so it was quite easy.
As the military stud inspected the specimen before him, he asked:  “Are you ready to serve the men who serve your country?” “Sir, yes Sir!” Emiliano replied without hesitation.

It was not uncommon for gay jokes to abound in a military environment, and Emiliano had been one of the top offenders. He had been unaware that his favorite prank buddy was himself gay, as Remy had so far kept closeted as he prepared to serve. Now, knowing his fellow army jock had been programmed to obey, Remy couldn’t resist the urge to test just how much Emiliano would obey.

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Poolboy Wanted

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Angus had wanted to become a stereotypical Aussie jock for as long as he could remember… a fitdimwit of a  surfer dude from Down Under. While I couldn’t change where he was really from, I could help explore the fantasy through a special trigger… and that’s just what I was doing as I had him focus on a pair of special briefs. As he drifted into a deep trance, he learned that he would transform as soon as he put them on.

As I woke him, Angus couldn’t help but feel excited. “You really think this will work, Coach? I mean, I am getting hard just thinking about!,” he said as he took off his pants and felt his bulge through his boxers.”

Only one way to find out, I replied. 

As soon as he slipped on the briefs, it was an immediate transformation… he was nothing more than a dumb jock speaking with a bad accent. “Crikey, mate, I feel like a proper grommet!” It might not have been a perfect Australian, but it fit his idea of what a dumb jock Aussie would sound like.

Since we were in the privacy of his place, I didn’t see the harm in a bit of roleplay. Actors put on different accents all the time. But as he felt up his body and expressed desire to stay that way forever, I wondered if there was anything I could do. Acting for a film or stage production is one thing, but acting that way all the time was another.

Finally an idea hit Me.

Continue reading Australia

The Shy Swimmer

Deacon had expressed interest in joining the swim team this summer, but he was a little shy. This, surprisingly, was in large part due to a big bulge as the swimsuit uniform left -nothing- to the imagination. He only agreed to swim a couple laps for Me in private, and, seeing his potential, I offered to help him feel more comfortable with his teammates and more. As I explained the process of hypnosis, I could tell he was already responding well.

Hypnosis simply takes you to a deep state where you can let go of all conscious thoughts. As you let go, it allows all your muscles to relax. And relaxing that body makes it so easy to relax that mind…

It wasn’t long before the jock was dropping down, stripping down, and realizing just how much his hard cock was guiding him towards what he really wanted deep down. Soon he was comfortably sitting down as he stroked himself right to My voice.

I gave motivation for swimming. Every stroke helps you to realize that you have a gift. A gift that was meant to be used. A gift that was meant to be shown off. It just feels so natural and right that your gift should benefit the team.  And then, I took those very same words, and made him realize he had another gift… his cock. Your teammates want to help you use your gift. Your teammates want to see that gift as you show if off to them.

Continue reading The Shy Swimmer

Good Jocks Obey Coach

Peyton was excited to take part of Coach’s special FitDimWit jock training program. Though he’d done well earlier on, college academics had proven a challenge. The chance to forget about all the pressures everyone else was putting on him and just enjoy the college life of a jock was just too tempting. A simple life of muscle, hanging with the bros and sex sounded exactly like what he wanted…. and perhaps even what he needed.

Yet, as he sat there, he seemed to doubt the program’s power. “Wait, you’re saying you’ll be able to trigger me into taking off my shirt? No way, Coach.”

Are you sure about that? Take off your shirt jock.

“Whoa, how’d you do that, Coach?”

It’s easy. Good jocks obey Coach’s instructions. You are a good jock. You obey My instructions. 

“But it was so automatic. How’s that possible on the first day of trainin’, Coach?”

Coach smirked. I guess you’re just a natural. I’m sure you’re going to ace this program in no time.

“Ya think so, Coach?”

Sure. Now take off your pants.

“Yes, Sir,” the jock replied as his hand reached for his belt buckle.

Continue reading Good Jocks Obey Coach

Flashback Friday: Ability to Self-Suck

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story -sometimes with improvements added. This one seems like fitting motivation for times of isolation, though I only wish hypnosis could make this sort of guarantee. It can help motivate you to workout though, and perhaps improved flexibility is a benefit  😉 Original Here.

That’s it. Simply relax more and more for Coach now. It feels so good to be one of My special jocks, and My special jock is going to get a reward. You’ve earned it because you have been working on this. You have been excelling at all the exercises I have given you without even knowing the true purpose of those exercises.

Soon you will realize why I have been working you so hard, but that hard work is not enough on its own. You also need the strength of My power inside of you, helping you to believe. Just allowing my words to motivate you. In this deep relaxed state, you feel their power. How they can motivate you to do anything.

As you strip down even further now, you strip away any remaining doubts as to your abilities. You also can feel yourself becoming so excited about having pleased Coach. Coach’s pleasure is your pleasure, and it turns you on to know you have made Me so proud. And as you focus on how much your dick is getting turned on by this, you are able to sense yourself becoming more flexible than you ever knew possible. That’s right. You simple know without a doubt that you are strong and capable. And the strength and tensility you are developing will allow you the ability to suck your own dick. Although you will still get the honor of sucking Coach’s cock later too, for now you just focus on how incredibly arousing it is to be able to suck yourself off.

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Flashback Friday: Think Muscle

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here.

That’s it, jock.  Just drift into that nice deep trance. It just feels so good to let right go as you do. Letting go more and more stress. Letting go more and more of worries. Letting go of anything that’s been holding you back from building that muscled body you have been craving deep down. All you need to think about is muscle. Focus on that muscle right now.That’s it. Just flex and focus on that muscle you’ve been building so big. It’s all that matters to you. You simply need to grow it bigger. 

As you strip off those clothes now, you find yourself able to strip away that intelligence. You simply do not need to think right now about anything but muscle. Just go ahead and stroke that cock now, and feel yourself dumbing down with every stroke. Simply letting go as any remaining brain cells simply drain right to your cock. Thinking is hard. Your dick is hard. Just start to think with your dick now.

Continue reading Flashback Friday: Think Muscle


Recently, one of My fitdimwits had helped me bring an arrogant doctor he worked with down a notch. Now Dr. Brackett found himself unable to resist laborers like Stavros… men he had once looked down on, now needed to be worshiped. But as he submitted further to this new reality, he also had been submitting more and more to his new Master. Others around the hospital had noticed the changes. Gone was the cocky smirk, replaced by warm smiles. No one knew that he had been transformed by My hypnosis – having let go of any ideas about status as he accepted his place as My slave.

After his submission during Stavros’ seduction, Dr. Brackett began regularly listening to My training files. Soon he was putty in my hands. I thought about further humiliating him by stripping him of the intelligence that made him an amazing doctor (even if he hasn’t always had an amazing personality), but it wasn’t the right time. Making him a doctor with more kindness was definitely the right choice.

But I could strip him of his clothes and will power. All that training made it so easy for the doc to obey when I visited. Strip Now to your underwear. The good doc obeyed, revealing boxers that had gone with his scrubs. Flex for Me. The good doc obeyed, tensing various muscles for My enjoyment.

Continue reading Scrubbed

A Good Time To Simplify

The chaos of the nation had impacted Stavros’ job, and he was ready for a simpler life. His downtime searching had led right to Me. Of course I was more than willing to help him, and I even had a job lead for a part-time gig he could work as hospitals sought to staff up. He would not need to think much at this job. He soon wouldn’t have to think much at all.

The only problem was, he was a total bottom – but I had different plans for him. He didn’t know it yet, but the slutty bottom boi soon would be one of My Alphas who loves to top.

All he knew, though, was that his life was about to change for the better as I filled him with the pleasure of simplicity – and he was already horny for change. “I can’t wait to be a FitDimWit for you, Coach. My ass is ready for you to take it anytime.”

Man, he had an incredible backside. Okay, so maybe he didn’t have to be a total top. Maybe I could just make him versatile, able to take advantage of him even as I made him a stud of a top otherwise.  I already knew he was eager to please as he began to stroke his cock as instructed.

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