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A version of this story was originally posted in 2021 for Silver+ Patrons and has now been made free as part of Flashback Fridays.
As the day went on, Derek also began touching his new co-worker more and more. Even when Christian suggested they pose for a photo, Christian found himself surprised as Derek turned his body towards Christian’s as it was being taken.
First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here.
After all, every suck helps you to suck out his brains as our latest country jock feels his brains draining down, down, down into his dick and into your mouth whenever he shoots a nice big load.
The orgasm he experiences here will be nothing compared to the orgasm you’ll give him when you ride him hard later on, after he’s taken his turn getting you nice and lubed up.
First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original story, then titled “Serve the Men Who Serve Your Country,” here.
It was not uncommon for gay jokes to abound in a military environment, and Emiliano had been one of the top offenders. He had been unaware that his favorite prank buddy was himself gay, as Remy had so far kept closeted as he prepared to serve. Now, knowing his fellow army jock had been programmed to obey, Remy couldn’t resist the urge to test just how much Emiliano would obey.