Tag Archives: fitdimwit

Recruiting a FitDimWit

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Recruiting a Recruiter

That’s it, jock. You want to be such a good boy for Coach, I can already tell. And because you want to be such a good boy for Coach, it’s so easy for you to begin letting go to My words. Nothing else matters in this moment, in fact you can feel all those unneeded thoughts begin to strip away. No need for worries. No need for stress. No need for insecurities or inhibitions. Just strip them all away as you begin to feel more and more comfortable with Me. That’s it, jock. It feels so comfortable to strip down for Coach. It feels so comfortable to strip down for Me as you are left getting so hard at the thought of submitting further to your Coach. You love the idea of being shaped and molded by your Coach, already so hard at the thought of building that harder muscle for Me. That desire builds and builds inside of you as you find it easer and easier to give in to Me right now.

Give in to that desire as you begin to stroke that cock for Coach now. Allow every stroke up and down that dick to help you let go further. Letting go of all resistance. Letting go of any unnecessary thoughts. Letting go as you realize, there’s no real need to think at all.

You’ll work in one of My gyms, learning to be a trainer, and so muscle is all you really know. How to build it. Tips to grow it. Just more of a total meathead with each stroke, wanting to grow bigger and bigger for Me. Yet, that takes time, and so even now, you can feel more and more confident that you are becoming such an Alpha jock who simply does not need to really think. It’s just so much better to be a simple jock.

If you do think, you think with that dick. You feel it get hard as you think of building that muscle for Me. You feel it get hard as you think of flexing and showing off that muscle. You feel it get hard as you think of having your increasingly hard muscles worshiped by others. The more you imagine this, the more confident you become in the jock you are becoming. You are eager to please Coach, you also love the thought of helping Coach find other eager jocks.

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Flashback Friday: Ready for Winter

Special Flashback Friday as we near Winter’s start – It’s a busy time of year, so there will be a few more Flashback Fridays this & next month, sometimes improving on the original! Original Here.  

“Hey Coach, I just moved to Colorado but have always been a beach kind of a guy that despises the cold. But all my new friends love hittin’ the slopes. I mean, they’re such bros too – it’s like being outdoors is all they care about. Can you help me be more like them and not mind the cold so much?”

I think we can do something about that. Why don’t you go ahead and get comfortable for me. All you simply need to do is relax for Me as you allow yourself to think about how it would just be so simple to become more like your friends. Friends that are bros. Becoming more of a winter-loving bro yourself, one who loves living so close to the mountains. They’re so peaceful and serene to look at. Even now just thinking about their majesty, you can’t help but just let your mind wander off and relax even deeper.

There is a simple majesty to them, and there’s not much need to think about it – you just take it in. It fills you with awe and wonder and pleasure. And being out in it makes it seem like there’s nothing else in the world that you need to think about. There’s nothing you really need to think about at all except being that simple snow-loving jock.

And yet being so simple also begins to make you feel horny, and that is perfectly natural for a nature loving jock… stripping down further and further as you feel that hard dick even stripping away all unneeded thoughts makes it harder and harder to think. So go ahead and begin gently stroking up and down that cock as you deeper down right now. You are simply left feeling so good as you are left realizing that you would love to work right at a resort, doing simple tasks that allow you to still enjoy time in the snow.

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Read At Your Own Risk

WARNING: Hypnotic language with a FitDimWit (dumbing down) element is used.

You want to read it, don’t you, jock? That hot blog that you know can be taboo with its stories of brainwashing, and yet you’re just so intrigued. Your cock is already starting to stir at the very thought of hot men being programmed and reprogrammed, changed at their very core. You especially find yourself drawn to those stories of dumb jocks, meatheads, himbos and other FitDimWits. You aren’t sure why. You’ve always valued your intelligence. You enjoy debate. You know that if you read it, you read at your own risk.

And yet, the idea of shutting off all other thoughts – the worries, the anxieties, the stresses – just seems so appealing at times. Seeing a guy simply strip down as he simply begins to stroke to his programming while himself becoming so simple is simply so hot. And yet, sometimes you wonder if reading all these stories could be having a subconscious effect on you. You wonder if deep down, the idea of simplifying is getting implanted even deeper. You wonder what it might be like if you were that FitDimWit. Yet if you had any hesitations about going back to that site, they have been stripped away along with your clothes. Your dick is already beginning to lead the way as you start to feel how hard it is making you – and as he begins to stroke for Coach, so do you.

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Gobble Head, Bobble Head

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The Mysterious Mask

Archer wasn’t sure who had sent the box, but he felt compelled to try on the mask inside as soon as he saw it. Though he had an average build before, putting on the mask had seemed to trigger a transformation. He felt stronger, sexier, more confident. His shirt feeling more snug than before, he went to the mirror to confirm the changes. He had to see more, so he quickly stripped off his shirt to reveal a flatter and more defined stomach than just minutes ago. He couldn’t believe it as he felt his new body, a formerly smooth chest now hardened and adorned with fur.

The newly transformed hunk flexed his muscles, admiring his bulging biceps. While he hadn’t become a hulk, he now looked like he regularly visited the gym. He wasn’t sure if the effects would remain if he took the mask off, but he probably should have removed it immediately after knowing the changes – for masks like that always come at a price. The mask had begun to absorb up his intelligence, though the brain drain was slow at first – too slow for him to notice as he remained fixated on flexing  various body parts. ‘Impressive,’ he thought, as he flexed his triceps in a way that also made his pecs look more round. He was loving it.
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The Getaway

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The Motivators

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The Store

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Career Counseling

“Hey Coach, you wanted to see me?”

I did, jock. As a senior, it’s my job to help you begin focusing on your post-graduate career.

“Already Coach? Senior year’s just beginnin’! I’m finally an Alpha jock for the team and don’t really wanna think ’bout nothing else, Coach.”

It does feel so good when you don’t need to think much, doesn’t it jock? ‘

“Sure does, Coach.”

You know, jock, there’s no real need to think about this career stuff right now anyway because I bet deep down, you already know what you’re going to do. After all, you know how much you have been left working that body right out and into peak jock condition right for Me. And as you are left with that confidence of being left an Alpha jock, you are left realizing deep down how much you crave showing that body off. You’re become such a good jock and good jocks like you love to strip down and show off. With every item you strip off, you also strip away more of your resistance, more of those inhibitions, more of that intelligence that you are going to need less and less this year. You have your arrangements with your professors and you’re bound to graduate, and yet, more and more you realize that degree is meaningless to you. All you want to do is to be left a jock that gets to keep being admired for his physique. Right now it’s on the field, but soon it might be on a stage. That’s right stud – you are becoming more and more excited about the thought of becoming a stripper.
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