Tag Archives: fitdimwit

Flashback Friday: Summer’s End

This Flashback Friday was released last year at the $5 Level. As we head into fall (officially having already done so), enjoy this farewell to summer.

Sometimes I like to encourage certain jocks to end up with each other, noticing their chemistry that My hypnotic suggestions of lust aide along. Other times, it happens more naturally. Well, as naturally as it can happen to two dumb jocks who found themselves thinking with their dicks. Such was the case with Jaxen and Darwin. The two had participated in My summer poolboy program, being stationed together at a pool in a cooler climate that closed down just as they were going back to their respective colleges. I had left them full of lust in general, to make the clientele feel well-attended.

Yet by the end of the summer, they had a hard time keeping their eyes and hands off each other. You would think this might hurt guest relations, but it actually helped as the guests loved being attended by two poolboys at once, even if it meant having to wait a little longer for them to become available versus if they were splitting the duties. With the pool now closed, they were enjoying one last dip together before heading home. And their lust was absolutely bursting, because believe it or not, they hadn’t yet done more than kiss.
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Simple to Obey

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“Hey Coach, what brings you by?”

Have you been enjoying the FitDimWit program, jock?

“Fuck yeah, Coach. Love just being a simple jock for you! I wish I could let go even more.”

Well, jock, I have an opportunity for you to do just that. One of My Alphas, an assistant coach, is looking for a cockslave. 

“Oh, I dunno about being a slave Coach. But I love me some cock.”

Of course you crave it, jock. You’ve been programmed to think with that dick. And what does your dick think about being able to let go even more? 

“Fuck, Coach. It’s gettin’ hard.”

And what does it think about simply being able to enjoy the bliss of mindless obedience? 

“My dickbrain is throbbin’ Coach so I guess I must want it.

Deep down, you do. All we need to do is further strip you of those inhibitions that have kept you from letting go even further , and you further strip those inhibitions away as you continue to strip down to your boxers for a session.  

“Yes Sir, Coach!”

Good jock. It feels so good to think about becoming more simple. It feels even better to not think at all. Just empty that mind so it can fill with more pleasure.

Continue reading Simple to Obey

The Pool Cub

That’s it. Just dreaming of the pool and it feels so good. You belong here, and you are so willing to let go of everything else to be here. You are willing to let go of all your inhibitions so you feel so confident in your big bear body in whatever you wear for swim attire – or even if you’re wearing nothing at all. You are willing to let go of all that intelligence as you realize there’s no need to think about much but being a pool boy. And you let go more and more of your will, opening yourself to surrender to My client.  He has been searching for a poolboy cub just like you, and you have been searching to find your place in life.
But now you know without a doubt, it is here. Here in the pool. Here giving into your new Master.Even though Corbin was stroking along to Coach’s voice in his bedroom, he completely felt as if he was in that pool. It was where he belonged, and everything about it felt so natural and right. He continued to submit to his programming, his destiny, and his new Sir with every stroke.

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Starting at the Bottom

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Dumb Horny Jock

That’s it jock. You’ve joined the team and now it’s time to get you truly focused on the sport. And yet, as you become so focused on being a good athlete, everything else just begins to matter less and less. Just feel all the unneeded thoughts you have draining down into your dick right now. And as it does, you also drain of any of those inhibitions that are keeping you from truly stripping away that intelligence. Go ahead and strip those clothes further right now, as you focus on that dick.

That dick is bigger than ever because it’s filled up with your brains. And from now on, you will think with your dick. Your dick loves being a jock on the team, and your dick loves getting to impress all your teammates. Your dick wants you to look good for them, as you are left loving to build that lean athletic physique. That dick wants you to be an incredible athlete that helps take your team to victory, because you know that victory sex is always the best. And your dick loves it when you are also such a good boy for Coach, as you simply let go more and more to Coach right now. Just strip even further now, and sense how good it feels to think with your dick.

Continue reading Dumb Horny Jock

Beach Jock

That’s it, jock. Just relax and let go. It’s so simple for you to fully transform into a lifeguard stationed at the beach resort. You feel so natural out here, covered in sunblock so you can safely soak up the rays as you work. But it never feels like work to you… it feels like home. The sand always feels so good against your skin, and the water feels even better.

Yet what feels best of all is getting to be so very simple. There’s not much to worry about out here, other than that everyone is staying safe. All you really need to know how to do is swim and perform some basic first aid, and everything else can begin to just wash out of that mind.

As you now relax where you can feel that tide coming in, you can feel how every wave washing up onto the shore further relaxes you…. and yet each time it pulls back, it takes more of those unneeded thoughts back with it. Thoughts that simply cannot survive on their own as they sink to the bottom of the ocean, and that’s perfectly okay because you simply do not need them. It feels better to be free of that burden. It feels better to just be so very simple. Just a simple beach jock that loves his job as a lifeguard at My resort. No worries about anything else. Just a simple lifeguard that loves working at the beach.

Continue reading Beach Jock

Flashback Friday: Everything Checks Out

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here. 

“Coach, I thought I was here to help inspect some of your newest jocks. Why is he wearing scrubs and thinking he’s a doctor?”“And there it is. Definitely not a fellow physician if he’s using a stethoscope down here.”

Well… why don’t you go just ahead and give him an examination now. He should be very compliant for it once you start.

“Alright, you heard Coach. Let’s begin our thorough exam of all your orifices. We’ll check out your jockhole and then move on to your throat.”“And it looks like My indicator stick is standing right up, jock. I’m going to have to really get in there and do a deeper examination.”

Continue reading Flashback Friday: Everything Checks Out

A Simple Focus – Now Free!

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The Showman

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Alphas’ Birthday Gift to Coach

“Hey Coach, we Alphas took what we’ve learned from you and went in together to get you a special gift for your birthday this year. We thought you might like something in leather, Coach. How do you like him?” A nice starter build I can push to grow bigger, a nice furry chest just as I prefer – well done, Alphas. You’ve learned well!

“Thanks, Coach!”

And you say you’ve trained him?

“Oh, yes Coach. We used your stroke training techniques to dumb him down into a simple and submissive leather slave for you. Of course, he’s been put on the muscle motivation program as well. It’s early yet, but he’s already showing some small gains and definitely has potential to be a great muscle sub for you, Coach. He does have a bit of a pup side as well.

Go ahead, boy, turn around for Coach and show him how horny you are for him to fuck you by wagging that tail.”

That is a very good boy you’ve trained there. Good job, Alphas. I’m very proud of you all for such a great gift. And good boy, pup.

I can tell you made it feel good for him to be called a good boy too. He smiles and wags even more.

“Of course, Coach! Even us Alphas love hearing those words from you and know it’s important for your gift as well. Of course, that is because what he craves most is just to please you. Beyond the muscle motivation to look good for you, he’s also been primed to crave you inside of him, in any of his holes. He’s yours to use as you please.”

Well, using him sounds like a great activity for My birthday. Thank you Alphas.

“Of course, Coach! Oh, and he’s also completely comfortable working wherever you need him.”

“Well, as long as it’s one of the fitdimwit jobs. Domestic cleaning, being one of your cam guys, whatever you need him to do to pull his weight, he knows just where he belongs. We’ve been working with him for a while to remove all his inhibitions and make him the perfect sub for you, ready to go. And though we wanted to save you time on the training, we know you do find the transformation hot, so we also recorded some of the sessions for your enjoyment, Coach. We have today’s final stroke session queued up for your viewing pleasure. Sit down and enjoy the show for a bit. Pup, why don’t  you come down and focus on  your favorite bone as Coach watches. That’s right, you love Coach’s bone!”

The above is definitely a fantasy I’d love to have come true – any applicants to be a good fit furry muscle pup for My birthday and beyond? And feel free to give Me a gift as Coach’s birthday is truly on Saturday, July 24th – since I am dealing with a move soon, let’s go with gift cards or tributes 🙂 Then go check out even more sexy studs in leather at HairyAndRaw.com by clicking here for more!