Tag Archives: employee

Flashback Friday: The Holiday Bonus

Formally a Patron exclusive, this story is now free for all to enjoy this holiday season!

Zayne’s boss Quinten had been a bit of a Scrooge since he started working for him a few years ago. There were never any holiday bonuses or office parties, and Zayne often had to work overtime around the holidays.  This year he had a plan to change that, but first he had to get the grinch to  agree to let some music play in the office.

“Fine, you can put on some Christmas music if you keep it soft and instrumental. None of that Mariah Carey crap!” Zayne abided, for any music he could place some subliminals with would do. Slowly but surely, he got his boss to relax his rules. The volume went up, decorations went up, and plans were even made for an Office holiday party.

“Don’t you just love this holiday music, boss?” Zayne asked.

“I wouldn’t say love it, but if it keeps good employees happy, I can try to enjoy it. And I think I have something else you’ll enjoy too.”

With that, Quinten stood up and began to kiss Zayne – not that Zayne was complaining. While he always thought his boss was a bit of an arrogant jerk, he was a hot jerk. But wasn’t he straight? As the two made out, Zayne began to wonder if his hypnosis could have had some unintended consequences.

You value Zayne. You appreciate all he does for you. Zayne deserves a nice big bonus.  Okay, so perhaps that valuing and appreciating Zayne had shown up in unexpected ways, but he still never thought a big bonus might get misinterpreted to mean  Quinten’s dick. How was he to know that an arrogant prick like Quinten would think of his  wide girth as a bonus to any woman he fucked in such a way that he actually made Bonus the nickname for his privates? Nope, Zayne was not aware of any of this and was caught by surprise as Quinten said, “Time for your holiday bonus,” and led him down to his now-unzipped cock. It was a good surprise.

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The Seasonal Job

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Masking Up II: Driven to Change

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The Hotel Guest

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The Company Man’s Massage

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Interviewing for a “Hard” Job

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Seducing His Supervisor

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Himbofied Employee

Warning: The following contains hypnotic & dumbing down language. Best read alone, himbo 😉

So you’re hard at work and feeling a bit frustrated, huh, man? That never ending slot of work. Deadline after deadline, stress on top of stress. Then suddenly a message pops up. You freak – a virus, it must be. But all you see is the word “RELAX” pulsing on that screen, and the more it does, the more you do relax. Surely this is harmless because it feels so good to watch it and relax. You click on it. Your whole screen is taken over. Image after image, word after word, flashing fast before your eyes. All the images are of sexy men, muscled men, horny men – sometimes flexing, sometimes stroking, sometimes doing more with even more sexy men. You don’t catch all the words…. “SIMPLE,” “DEEPER,” “LET GO,” “EMPTY,” “STRIP DOWN.” It feels good to obey them.

“HARD,” “HORNY,” “STROKE,” also flash right on by, and it feels as if each flash is penetrating deeper down inside of you as you are left absorbing more and more of the messages. You don’t have time to be left thinking right about their meaning as you  are left zoning right out more and more to the flashes right on the screen. Those men left naked are left making you so horny as you are left grabbing that cock that is standing right up to attention, left rock hard as it pulses right in your hand
“DUMB DOWN,” “THINK WITH DICK,” “SO SIMPLE.” That brain is left getting foggier as you “FORGET WORK.” “FORGET SCHOOL.” “GET ACTION.”  Left forgetting about your old life and focused more right on being horny as as you are left unable to think. Think… dick? “GIVE IN.” “OBEY.” “COMPLY.” It is so simple to obey, so easy to comply.  You stroke,  having failed to notice that the cam light has come on. Someone is watching you. Seeing how you respond. “SHOW OFF,” “SHOW ME,” “FEEL GOOD,” “STROKE.” It feels good to obey and stroke.
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The Red Tie

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