Tag Archives: dominant

Roommate Trouble

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The Ultimate Gift

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Just A MuscleToy

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Masked Domination

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Masking Up II: Driven to Change

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Flashback Friday: The Hitchhiker

This story, originally written in fall of 2020, was originally for Patrons only and is now available for all as part of Flashback Fridays, the first Friday of the month.

Jakob was spoiled, yet lonely. A trust fund baby, he had grown up learning how to manipulate others to his own advantage. Some might even call it covert hypnosis, the way he could seemingly charm anyone to do anything.

During the shutdown, he could only spend so much time out by the pool, so he went online and began to truly study the artform and how he might be able to better use it to his advantage. He knew too many would be with him solely for the money, so as lonely as he was, he wanted someone who could truly be part of his life.

As restrictions began to ease, the privileged young man decided to go for a drive.

On his drive, he spotted a young man hitchiking, a considerable ways away from a broken down vehicle that had been on the side of the road.

As the sweaty hithchiker introduced himself as Breckin, he also explained that few cars had gone by and the few that had were not willing to stop for a man they feared.

Little did Breckin know it was Jakob that should have been feared; then again, perhaps Jakob was exactly what the lost soul needed. Either way he was grateful as Jakob pushed play and the music helped his body, sore from walking, to really relax.

As he dozed off, he had strange dreams about being a poolboy.

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A Change in Hierarchy

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Flashback Friday: Broken A/C

The first Friday of the month means a Flashback Friday! Enjoy this story previously only available to Silver+ Patrons!

The AC had broken in Samuel’s apartment, just as summer weather was really starting to heat up. He was sweltering, trying to do anything he could to stay cool until someone he called had an opening.That’s when he remembered that ad that had popped up when he was searching social media. Normally that would have annoyed him, but the hunky spokesperson seemed worth watching, and Sam figured he’d give the guy a shot. Thankfully, he could come right over.

Samuel invited the worker in and took him to a vent that he swore wasn’t working. “It’s right here. See, no air coming out.”

“I’ll definitely take a look. If you want to strip down and get more comfy while I work, I don’t mind. I want you to be comfortable.” Sam normally would have been a bit more reserved, but if this guy wanted him to be comfortable, he should get comfortable. He watched as the repairman double-checked the settings, finding himself becoming inexplicably hard as he did.

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Special Flashback Friday: The Birthday Gift

This story is presented as a special Flashback Friday in honor of Coach’s birthday earlier this week! Previously only available to Patrons.

“Is all this for me?” As if Gabriel didn’t know the answer to that – his boyfriend Zack always went all out for his birthday. And yet, Gabriel was still surprised when Zack said, “Oh, let me grab you your first gift. It’s actually from Coach and he said to have you open it right away. He didn’t tell me what it was either, so I’m curious!” When Gabriel opened it, he was surprised to simply find an enveloped sealed shut. Inside was a short letter. “Happy birthday Gabriel. In a past workout session, I asked you in trance what you truly wanted and your answer was for your boyfriend to be more dominant. He doesn’t know it yet, but I’ve been secretly programming Zack to be just that in our workout sessions together.”

The letter continued: “All you have to do is say to him, “ALPHA JOCKS DOMINATE NOW” and it will trigger his dominant side. It’s up to you if you want to actually use it, but it might make for a fun birthday! – Coach.
p.s. if needed, you can tell him to RETURN TO NORMAL”

“What it’d say?” Zack asked, to which Gabriel replied, “I think it’s some sort of birthday joke but it said to tell you that ALPHA JOCKS DOMINATE NOW.”

It was immediately obvious something had come over Zack as his eyes glazed over briefly, then suddenly they opened wide as he went right up to his boyfriend, “Fuck I just want to rip these clothes right off of you stud.” Gabriel was actually taken aback as he had never seen his boyfriend be this sexually aggressive.

And yet as Zack knelt down and began to rub his cock while worshiping his body, Gabriel soon realized the trigger was working – and it began to turn him on. “Whatever you say, boss.”

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