Tag Archives: cuddling

Fireside Chat

Kenneth was so happy that his friend Daxton had agreed to hang out. Kenny had even convinced Dax that there was “nothing gay” about chatting in front of a fire while sharing a cozy blanket, it was simply them keeping warm while “chillin’ like buds do” on this unusually cold May night. Dax still questioned his friend’s intentions when he put on music that sounded a smidge romantic, but soon he found it easy to relax to…  his eyes continually drawn back to the flames of the fire dancing around until he simply couldn’t look away. As Kenny noticed his friend had finally entered trance, he tested the waters by giving Daxton a small peck on the cheeks.
Kenny knew that Dax came from a very conservative family, which is likely why the jock remain closeted. Yet, Daxton asked questions of his gay friend that Kenny knew no straight guy would ask  unless he was questioning things. He set up special programming that had helped his friend to let go of all the worries and fears that might be consuming him, so that Dax could be free to explore his true desires. Still, Kenny had worried he might be wrong, which is why he started with a peck – something he could dismiss as a friendly greeting “like they do in Europe.” To his relief, his instincts were right, and the now-freed jock eagerly returned the kiss.

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Nothing to Hide

Tanner and Jalen were enjoying themselves outdoors, soaking up the sun, when Tanner spotted one of their neighbors staring at them. Though nothing had ever really been said, the looks had often been enough for Tanner to know something made them uncomfortable. Was it that they were gay? Was it that his partner was Black? He wasn’t sure, but he made sure to show them exactly what he thought as he kissed and groped his lover

Having been raised religious, Tanner had not always been so forward and open. That’s not to say he wouldn’t stand up in a crisis, but he had been quite shy and preferred that they keep to themselves. A lot of it stemmed from a fear for his better half, rather than a general fear – but he simply had not been one for PDAs either.

Jalen did not care though, and he wanted the same for his partner. Any discomfort was on the other person, not on them. And while he preferred love and acceptance, he relished in making the uncomfortable squirm even more. It was a way for him to take some of the power back from their judgments. He just needed to get Tanner on board, and that’s when I came in.

In time, Tanner would have no problem being out on the deck doing more than just kissing and groping – because both of them also had an exhibitionist streak. At least, Jalen did. Tanner’s love of showing off was something I began to instill in him, also at Jalen’s request, as I began to first program him with one-on-one stroke sessions. He had shed behind his religious ties, but now it was time to shed the lingering inhibitions.

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