Tag Archives: cowboys

The Farmhand

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Cow-boy Slave

8373_09Welcome back guys. You should feel much different than the city boys you had been before. 
8334_11smaller“Yes Sir. I reckon twas ’bout a month ago I inherited gramps’ ranch, ’bout time we started fittin’ in ’round these parts.” 


“But didja make the other changes?”

Of course. You had paid quite handsomely, and your new cowboy slave seemed quite okay with being made simple and obedient.

And look, already ready to work the ranch. He’s a natural dumb laborer.

“Yes Sir. After my slave done complete his chores, I’mma gonna give him a thorough inspection and milk him dry.

Then the boy’s gonna take me on a nice ride before I let him out to pasture.”


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Looks like he’s already taking to his new life as a mindless cow-boy slave. 

“You’re darn tootin’, Coach!”



Images courtesy of BuckShot from Colt.com – click here for hot hunks in even hotter movies!

The Prod

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Toby had caught his top ranch-hand Keith using a cattle prod on one of the hired help. 

With Coach’s help, Keith was soon reprogrammed to crave only two kinds of cock – his new master Toby’s cock, and the cocks of hired help.

For deep down, Keith now knew he was inferior to all other men, meant to serve and be used. 


Keith was also forbidden from ever holding a cattle prod again.

From now on, the only prodding he was involved in was the prodding of his ass. 


Images courtesy of Falcon.com – click here for what really happens with these sexy cowboys!

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