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They put on some music and seemed to immediately get in the mood, taking off their shirts as they began to worship his body. It seemed he could always count on twinks to worship him and his cock.
Thank you Coach for opening up our minds and working our bodies so we can truly enjoy this bountiful feast. And we thank the Higher Power, whoever He/She/It may be, for populating this earth with both white & dark meat, for we love both varieties.
“Coach, I love my boyfriend but he’s hardly ever horny, and I always am. Is this something you can help with?”
If the root cause is medical, he might need to see a specialist. But should it simply be the mental desire, that is definitely an area I can help with.
“Awesome Coach… I want him obsessed with my cock!”
“Damn Coach, my boy can’t get enough now! May need ya to tone it down, it almost too much… but for now I’m gonna enjoy!”