Warning: The following contains hypnotic & dumbing down language. Best read alone, himbo 😉

Warning: The following contains hypnotic & dumbing down language. Best read alone, himbo 😉
Sure, jock. Just to confirm, you want muscle to be your main focus – even if that means other things become less important to you. Is that right?
“Yeah, Coach. I don’t want to think about anything else. Just growing bigger.”
Very good. Why don’t you go ahead and begin to relax for Me then. It’s so easy to feel yourself already drifting off to My voice as you simply allow yourself to become more and more comfortable. Any other thoughts are starting to fade away…. your conscious mind is fading away…. simply leaving you with your subconscious to listen. And it’s so simple and easy for your subconscious to absorb each word out of My mouth. It’s so easy for you to feel My words relaxing you now, and soon beginning to transform you. And you allow this to happen, because you want it to happen – you want to become that total musclehead. So just keep drifting deeper and deeper for Me as you begin to let go of all other thoughts. Those other things simply do not matter right now … and some of them do not matter to you at all anymore. Only muscle. And as you focus more on muscle, you can feel each one of your muscles becoming more and more relaxed.
And if your body can relax this deeply, so can your mind, so just relax that more now too. Letting go of any anxieties or doubts. Letting go of all inhibitions and insecurities. Simply feel these things exiting your body as well, as you strip them all away. Strip away any of those thoughts that get in the way, and strip away any useless knowledge that you no longer need. It’s just so easy to relax your mind further and further.
That’s it. Strip them all away as you also begin to strip off those clothes. Removing your shirt as you also begin removing unneeded thoughts, emptying that mind so you have more room in it for muscle. Muscle is what matters. How to best build that body. What foods to eat, and when. Just so focus on doing what you can to perfect that physique as simply become so simply focused on muscle.
As that musclehead takes over, begin to flex for Coach. The more you flex those muscles, the more aroused you begin to feel. The more aroused you begin to feel, the more you want to grow and flex those muscles.
It feels so good to be stripped down to focus on nothing but muscle. As you think more and more about muscle, you find that all other thoughts drain down, down into that dick. That’s right. Thinking about anything besides muscle just no longer seems to interest you – you’d rather not think anyway, as it can get so hard. But thinking with that hard dick is just so easy as you realize the rest of your brains are draining down into your dick.
Warning: This post contains hypnotic language for being a dumbed down jock.
It’s what those dumb jocks have been left doing when they stripped away all other concerns and all their insecurities. When they are left so focused on that physique, they can be left stripping off all those clothes as they are left admiring their progress more and more right in the mirror. They simply are left with no other cares right in this world other than that muscle, and that means they are left just so simply focused on lifting those weights up and down, shedding fat right off while building muscle right up. And the one thing they might be left doing as they are left drifting off to sleep is stroking right along that dick as they are left listening to Coach’s erotic motivation, for the more they empty their head, the more their other head fills.
That is until he saw an ad looking for new poolboys. He initially scoffed at the thought, but his curiosity seemed to get the better of him as he clicked on the link to watch an informational video about the opportunity. As he viewed it, he found himself opening up more and more to the idea that this might be something he actually did want deep down. Even the video said, This is the kind of fantasy you have probably had deep down – a fantasy of living a care-free life while living in a place of luxury. But what really made it seem like it could be more than a fantasy for him is the part that mentioned having room and board included. Even if it wasn’t as high of a salary as he could expect in his field, it was a salary that could go almost exclusively to paying off his loans – and then just to him.
He had still been attending classes at first, but they simply started to feel harder and harder. “This so isn’t worth it anymore.” He started to hit the gym for additional sessions instead during the day, while he found himself on the apps more at night. He just felt so horny all the time, as if the only things he could think about were muscle and sex. He didn’t remember much about the video chat interview he had with Coach, but it must have gone well as he soon selling off his things and putting up his apartment to sublet. He wouldn’t need them while going to the resort to train.
Though it was a little cold when he got to the resort, not being quite in season, he could tell he was going to enjoy a lot of time outdoors as it warmed up. It was beautiful! He didn’t even mind that he had to bunk with other poolboys. He didn’t need much, for it felt better to just focus on the simple things in life – and he knew he’d often be spending the night in guests’ rooms anyway.
WARNING: Hypnotic language with a FitDimWit (dumbing down) element is used.