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This story was originally published as a Silver+ level Patron reward story on Easter of last year (Sun., April 12th). While most of those stories will stay Patron-exclusives, a few holiday or recording-related specific ones will occasionally return for special flashbacks. Enjoy!
Declan hopped up and began moving about as if he was alone in the home.
The slutty Easter Bunny wiggled his butt before slyly looking up and replying, “Oh man, I just – hate- being caught by a handsome man like you. You know what it means to catch me, right?” Brandon knew the answer, having implanted the suggestions in Declan’s subconscious, but still loved hearing him say it. “It means instead of a treat from me, you must give me a treat – or you’ll end up off my list forever!”
Having been raised religious, Tanner had not always been so forward and open. That’s not to say he wouldn’t stand up in a crisis, but he had been quite shy and preferred that they keep to themselves. A lot of it stemmed from a fear for his better half, rather than a general fear – but he simply had not been one for PDAs either.
In time, Tanner would have no problem being out on the deck doing more than just kissing and groping – because both of them also had an exhibitionist streak. At least, Jalen did. Tanner’s love of showing off was something I began to instill in him, also at Jalen’s request, as I began to first program him with one-on-one stroke sessions. He had shed behind his religious ties, but now it was time to shed the lingering inhibitions.
Letting that water relax you, deep into trance. Just a nice private shower. You feel so comfortable here, but you’ve been afraid to use the showers in the locker rooms with other guys.
Deep down, you have felt this is because you don’t want the other guys to lust after you… you like to pretend you’re such a macho straight guy.
I want you to channel all that fear into a ball in the pit of your stomach. That’s right… feel it burning inside of you.
It’s such an intense feeling that you won’t notice anything else but my soothing voice and how relaxing that shower feels.
Soon you might find yourself surprised, and when you do, you’ll let out a big scream… releasing that ball of fear from the pit of your stomach until it’s emptied out. No more fear of your desires … accepting that being gay won’t change who you are. It will just allow you to enjoy the desires you’ve denied for so long.
That’s right, releasing all that fear until you realize there’s no reason to fear showering with another man. In fact, you prefer it now that you can accept who you’ve been inside.
“You scared the shit out of me. I’ve seen you at the gym; thought you was straight.”
“Nah man, and I’ve been lusting after you but never could get ya alone!”
“Oh hell yeah…. I’m never showering alone again.”
“You won’t ever go to bed alone again either.”
Images courtesy of – click here for more steamy movies in 2D & 3D – and stay tuned for more spooky Halloween fun!