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So while this has been released for a while as something Patrons could purchase at discounted prices, I’m overdo for having it as a general release – something I realized when writing the last reward story. Part of my delay is that I’m still searching for new selling places after the unfortunate shutting down of IndieBill; please message Me if you have any recommendations! Not many places are keen on erotic hypnosis these days due to strict credit card rules and the concept of consent, even though you’re totally consenting to these recordings as you choose to download/listen. And some of you will love consenting to having your inner meathead takeover!
Though I normally do Flashback Fridays on the 1st Friday of the month, I thought it might be fun to do one for Christmas as well. Happy Holidays from Coach!
Santa was surprised that the elves had given him his presents early this year.
Sugarplum had given Santa delicious eggnog. Snowflake had given the gift of a relaxing hypnosis playlist.
And Twinkle had given Santa a jock made special just for him. It seemed odd to Santa, but he decided to try it on that night anyway as he laid down.
The eggnog had made him feel sleepy, but he figured he’d throw on the hypnosis too. He had a big night of delivering toys ahead, and he needed his rest.
Little did Santa know that the elves had infused all three items with Christmas magic. The eggnog he had drank right before bed made his mind open to change. The hypnosis suggested the changes. And the jock was to cement the outcome…
That Santa would transform into a jock.
Santa couldn’t believe how amazing he felt when he woke up.
“I’ll have no problems going down the chimneys this year!” he twinkled, followed with a “Ho Ho Ho” deeper than he’d ever given before. “And I’m sure the toy sack will feel lighter than ever!”
“You’re not afraid the kids will be disappointed?”
“No, but Mrs. Claus may be… I seem…. different somehow.”
I had this all written before lunch minus the titles and tags, then got busy and forgot to come back to it. So technically not Friday anymore, apologies for that; at least it is being late on a free one and not a rewards one. 😛
Often, Blaise took a more outdoor role, wearing trunks as he greeted guests for guided tours in the surrounding nature.