Tag Archives: bandanna

Patriotic Duty

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The Bandanna Trigger


That’s right Brendan. Just laying there so mindless and passive whenever you have that bandanna on. Just as we hypnotized you. 

Knowing you allow this to happen because you want your boyfriend to be happy.

And while you are normally an aggressive top, from time to time Scott wishes to let out his inner power bottom.

This is why he paid me to create this trigger in you.

And so anytime you have that bandanna on, it is so easy for you to just let go and let him ride on top of you. 

It just feels so good to let go and enjoy the pleasure whenever you have that bandanna around your neck.


Images courtesy of SweetAndRaw.com – click here for more sweet young sexy men getting raw!


Dumb Redneck Bandanna

That’s right boy. Accepting it more and more with every stroke. 

You have wanted to be a dumb redneck, but have been afraid to let go. And yet, you know that you can let go when you know it’s only temporary. And that is why you accept you will only be a dumb redneck whenever you wear that bandanna.  

It will act as a trigger. Every time you put on that bandanna, you simply feel as if it is a block to your brain, preventing it from thinking. And when you don’t think, you find it so easy to just  be that dumb redneck loving redneck things.

“Howdy, Coach. Ain’t sure I feel no dif’rent when I think… fuck.I don’t like thinkin’. Make ma head hurt. There any NASCAR on TV? Beer in the fridge? How ’bout any chew? I reckon a Coach like you don’t like chew. Maybe ya got somethin’ else I can put in my mouth?”



Images courtesy of BoyFeast.com – click here for hot young twinks and jocks!
