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Stripping Down

“You really can just make a guy a dumb jock, Coach?”

Not all guys, but those that are willing – and those like you who desire it deep down. 

“What? I don’t desire it. Those dumb jocks of yours are absolute morons.”

Yet you’re curious enough to ask, so I am sure if you begin to strip away all the insecurities and anxieties you have about allowing yourself to enjoy being so simple, you would discover that being so very simple is quite enjoyable.

“Coach, I’m too smart to fall for those tricks. Plus I have my future to think about.”

I am sure that can be a lot of pressure, though, to have so many expectations to meet. So even if you need to think most of the time, I bet you would enjoy the realization that it’s okay to not think some of the time. If it’s not permanent, it’s easier to allow yourself to let go more and more. No pressures for the moment. No stress. Just allowing yourself to let go and relax for a bit. Just stripping down to a more comfortable state because it feels so natural to strip down. To strip away all that resistance that has been keeping you from letting go.

Deep down, you have always desired to be more of a jock. If I had any doubt before, your underwear has given it away. You want to be the type of guy that looks good naked, and you have teen that guy working out towards a jock body. It’s perfectly okay to be a jock who is smart, but deep down, you are that jock. You have a jock wanting to take over you more and more. And sometimes that jock wants you to completely let go. You want to completely let go. Completely let go and relax for Coach right now as you allow yourself to simply be that jock. It feels so good to simple be that simple jock as you relax like the good simple jock you are right now.

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The Red Tie

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