Category Archives: Free Fridays

Muscle on the Mind

Jameson was missing the gym. As much as he had enjoyed zoning out to some Tiger King and Animal Crossing, he was beginning to fear those bad habits – fine in moderation, but not in excess – were replacing his good habits that had helped him develop some solid muscles. As he searched for ways to stay motivated for muscle, he came across My hypnosis and realized that now was the perfect time to act on a desire he had always had deep down but never knew was possible until now… he just wanted to forget about everything else and become a total meathead. So I started to relax him.

That’s it…  just feel that bulge in your pants already swelling bigger as the idea of becoming a total meathead begins to turn you on more and more. Go ahead and slip your hand down those pants now. Feel how much you want this. And because you want this, you will let go and give in to these desires. Even as you work out from home, you will still be obsessed with muscles – doing those push-ups, those chair dips, those moves with items of weight that continue to make you strong and pumped up. You’ll continue to eat for that muscle, as you fuel your growth. And nothing else will matter to you during this time than that muscle.  
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Flashback Friday: Think Muscle

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here.

That’s it, jock.  Just drift into that nice deep trance. It just feels so good to let right go as you do. Letting go more and more stress. Letting go more and more of worries. Letting go of anything that’s been holding you back from building that muscled body you have been craving deep down. All you need to think about is muscle. Focus on that muscle right now.That’s it. Just flex and focus on that muscle you’ve been building so big. It’s all that matters to you. You simply need to grow it bigger. 

As you strip off those clothes now, you find yourself able to strip away that intelligence. You simply do not need to think right now about anything but muscle. Just go ahead and stroke that cock now, and feel yourself dumbing down with every stroke. Simply letting go as any remaining brain cells simply drain right to your cock. Thinking is hard. Your dick is hard. Just start to think with your dick now.

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Recently, one of My fitdimwits had helped me bring an arrogant doctor he worked with down a notch. Now Dr. Brackett found himself unable to resist laborers like Stavros… men he had once looked down on, now needed to be worshiped. But as he submitted further to this new reality, he also had been submitting more and more to his new Master. Others around the hospital had noticed the changes. Gone was the cocky smirk, replaced by warm smiles. No one knew that he had been transformed by My hypnosis – having let go of any ideas about status as he accepted his place as My slave.

After his submission during Stavros’ seduction, Dr. Brackett began regularly listening to My training files. Soon he was putty in my hands. I thought about further humiliating him by stripping him of the intelligence that made him an amazing doctor (even if he hasn’t always had an amazing personality), but it wasn’t the right time. Making him a doctor with more kindness was definitely the right choice.

But I could strip him of his clothes and will power. All that training made it so easy for the doc to obey when I visited. Strip Now to your underwear. The good doc obeyed, revealing boxers that had gone with his scrubs. Flex for Me. The good doc obeyed, tensing various muscles for My enjoyment.

Continue reading Scrubbed

A Good Time To Simplify

The chaos of the nation had impacted Stavros’ job, and he was ready for a simpler life. His downtime searching had led right to Me. Of course I was more than willing to help him, and I even had a job lead for a part-time gig he could work as hospitals sought to staff up. He would not need to think much at this job. He soon wouldn’t have to think much at all.

The only problem was, he was a total bottom – but I had different plans for him. He didn’t know it yet, but the slutty bottom boi soon would be one of My Alphas who loves to top.

All he knew, though, was that his life was about to change for the better as I filled him with the pleasure of simplicity – and he was already horny for change. “I can’t wait to be a FitDimWit for you, Coach. My ass is ready for you to take it anytime.”

Man, he had an incredible backside. Okay, so maybe he didn’t have to be a total top. Maybe I could just make him versatile, able to take advantage of him even as I made him a stud of a top otherwise.  I already knew he was eager to please as he began to stroke his cock as instructed.

Continue reading A Good Time To Simplify

Jock Thinking

“Hey Coach, I’ve been doing some thinking.”

A jock like you shouldn’t be thinking too much, it will just get in the way of your progress with that body. It’s better to just learn how to let go of all those worries and anxieties that you simply do not need to think about anymore. And I know deep down that you want to let go, because it simply feels so good to let go of all other thoughts right now. The only thing that matters is that muscle you are going to grow. Muscle you will grow because deep down you want it. And muscle you will grow because deep down you want to please Coach. 

Your cock is growing harder and harder at that thought. It’s okay, jock. Go ahead and stroke it.

 Every stroke helps you to relax deeper and deeper. And every stroke helps you to let go more and more. Letting go of insecurities. Letting go of fears. Letting go of unneeded knowledge. 

With every stroke, you simply begin to let go more as all those extra brain cells you simply do not need drain right down to your balls. Feel those balls filling up as you sink deeper and deeper into a simple state of pleasure. 

The pleasure simply feels so good. And it is so good to simply think about more muscle. The simplest thing you can do for more pleasure, is to build more muscle. More muscle will give you more pleasure. It is just that simple. You are just so simple. It simply feels so good to be so simple.

Continue reading Jock Thinking

Flashback Friday: Muscle Beast

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here.

Santiago was getting frustrated with his progress in the gym. Sure, he was in excellent shape, but he wanted to push things to the next level.

He came to Me for a consultation, but it was obvious that he was full of energy.  His lack of progress was just making him so angry and frustrated with himself. It was going to be difficult to get him to relax – but that didn’t mean I couldn’t engage his subconscious mind.

Although he was straight, I convinced him to strip down and give erotic hypnosis a try, assuring him it was hands off on my end and just about finding a way to connect to his subconscious mind.

Soon he was getting lost in My suggestions, feeling himself transform more with every stroke.

Every stroke makes you feel like more and more of a muscle beast. 

So ferocious in the gym. You feel that beast inside of you growing with every rep, becoming more and more unleashed. That beast will be ravenous for protein and all that fuel that will grow its muscles.

And after your intense workout, you will get a chance to unleash that beast when you next jack off or have some hot sex. You simply feel that beast needing to unleash all that energy.  So wild in the sack.

And then, it will build back up again for your next workout session. That energy you have and all your arousal will be channeled into that next workout. You are a muscle beast.

Continue reading Flashback Friday: Muscle Beast

Freedom in Submission

Kaiden had invited his buddy over to watch a movie – one that had been secretly overlayed with subliminal messages. His intentions were noble, for he had discovered Barrett was repressing desires due to a conservative family. At least, that’s how Kaiden justified his actions – that in enslaving his friend, he was truly freeing him.  As Barrett zoned out, Kaiden scooted closer. No reaction. He then put his arm around his buddy, but Barrett remained entranced. The programming seemed to be working. Saying, “Hypnoslave, kiss me,” confirmed that it was.

“Good boy,” Kaiden told the tranced jock while pulling down his own pants. “Now suck my cock.”

Barrett happily obliged, the subliminal audio messages continue to play as he let go more and more. Let go of inhibitions. Let go of fears.  Embrace your desires deep down. Give in to your desires. Fulfilling them makes you happy. You have allowed others to control you your whole life. Now it’s time to choose who you want to have in control. Deep down, you know there is no choice. You cannot resist your innermost desires. You cannot resist the power of your new Master.

Kaiden knew that Barrett would keep denying himself happiness unless he forced it.

Continue reading Freedom in Submission

The Good Jock Valentine

“Welcome to my home, Coach. I’ve loved listening to your stuff. It’s really helped me out in the gym.”

Yeah? I would love to see that, jock.

“I don’t know Coach. Before I transformed my body, I was just a shy geek. You made me a lot more confident, but sometimes I still feel shy. And meeting you is one of those times.’

Ah, don’t be shy. You’re a good jock. And GOOD JOCKS OBEY. That’s right. Be a good obedient jock right now and take off your shirt.

I see you changed your mind about taking off your shirt.

“Nah, I was just getting a bit hot.”

I see. Maybe if if it’s so hot, you should take your pants off too.

“And just be in my underwear?”

No different from a swimming pool. GOOD JOCKS OBEY. Good jocks strip away resistance. Remove your inhibitions as you remove your pants. I know which files you have been listening to, jock, and what you crave deep down. You want to be one of My fitdimwits.

Continue reading The Good Jock Valentine

Triggered At The Gym

Richard was getting sick of the young jock he kept seeing it at the gym that seemed to think he was better than him. The disrespectful jock would sit on a machine for way too long on his phone and failed to put weights away. What the jock didn’t know was that Richard had a connection to the gym and had been able to get his buddy Coach to play some subliminal tracks during the jock’s workouts. The gym was empty besides the three of them today, so Richard decided it would be a good chance to test things out.

“You and I need to have a chat,” he told the jock, causing the jock to get up in his face. “I don’t have time for you, Boomer.”

“GOOD JOCKS OBEY,” Richard said as the jock’s face went blank. But the only way to know for sure it was working was to now test the trigger with a command. “Suck My cock,” he told the jock. Richard, a young Gen X-er, was caught off guard by how quickly the jock had pulled down his pants and began going down on his dick. “Good jock. Now strip off your shirt.”

Continue reading Triggered At The Gym

Pump Slave

As the two jocks drifted deeper into trance to Coach’s voice, they accepted their places on the team more and more. Bodie, a college junior, was set to be the new team captain, and Casper would be his pump buddy. This was normal on Coach’s teams – the older players had built up their bodies under Coach’s instruction and were simply better players, but the freshmen and other new recruits still had their place on the team too. They would get their jock right to the edge ahead of games, pumping them up with testosterone. And after the game was over, the pump buddies would help their assigned jock to enjoy release.

Usually suck slaves moved into the top jock positions as the older jocks graduated, having grown in the gym thanks to Coach’s hypnosis. Sometimes exceptions happened, but that was the usual path.

And Bodie was enjoying being taken to the edge right now, his pump slave Casper helping to get energy pumping into Bodie’s body ahead of a big match. The Alpha jocks had been taught discipline and self-control, and Bodie managed to stop Casper right as he was about ready to explode. As eager as Casper was, he knew to obey.

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