All posts by jockmesmerizer

College Can Change You: The Recruitment

The following is a Halloween tale hinting at transformation. Enjoy!

Reid was loving the campus life, although he had yet to come out to everyone feeling nervous about a new environment. That didn’t keep him from crushing on an upperclassman like Knox though. Reid felt so grateful the young man had seen him eating alone and introduced himself, but also confused why Knox could never hang with him at night.
Knox did often ask him to take walks though, which Reid had grown to enjoy – especially when they stopped to just chat, allowing Reid to better enjoy Knox’s intoxicating musk. Every inhale made Reid feel incredibly aroused by the young man despite the rejections for a night hang.

Today, though, that chat would be interrupted. “Hey Reid, I don’t mean to cut you off but I see my mentor Ezequiel heading this way. I’ve been wanting you to meet him.” Reid turned around and was treated to a very firm handshake. The introduction was brief, but he didn’t leave before whispering something to Knox.
Reid was about to inquire when Knox beat him to the punch. “I want to apologize if it seemed I wasn’t interesting in dating. I like to take my time because there are things about my life that are difficult for some to accept. But you seem open to the journey, so… will you go to the fall formal with me?”
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Masked Domination

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Masking Up II: Driven to Change

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Masking Up

DROP AND OBEY.  That’s it. Just drop down into an obedient trance. By now that trigger has seeped deep down into your mind to the point where you respond instantly each time. Those eyes glossing over as your conscious mind drifts away.  We have been exploring the feelings of submission and obedience towards Me during each session, and you have responded so beautifully. Never remembering as you are instructed to forget to remember, and to remember to forget.

And while you still won’t remember My hypnotic influence over you, it’s time for your new submissive self to take over. Start by stripping away any lingering inhibitions as you also strip off that suits. The changes we have been working on will become permanent this weekend, and it’s time to set up that transformation.

You already obey Me so well, don’t you, slave? And deep down, you know the thought of becoming My slave has been becoming more and more of a turn-on for you. It is something you have been conditioned to realize you need, and something you now believe you have always been deep down. Because deep down, you know that you have been so cocky because you have been putting on a front for your own insecurities. Deep down, you know you have never felt worthy. Deep down, you know you would rather just let go and be a simple obedient slave. 

It simply turns you on so much, and that’s how you know all of this is true. Feel how hard your dick is getting at the thought of letting go of all life’s stresses and pressures and simply giving over that power to another man. Feel how freeing it is to let yourself become enslaved. Keep stripping off those clothes and any last  resistance.
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The Apparition

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Dumb Jock Bottom

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Dumb Jock Top

So, you want to become a better athlete, huh, jock? Well, one of the best ways to do that is make sure your brain focuses only on all things jock. That’s right. Focusing more and more on how to best play your game. Focusing more and more on how to strengthen your muscles in the gym in ways that optimize your performance. Focusing more and more on bonding with current teammates as well as helping to recruit new jocks to the team. 

As you relax for Me, you will find all these things becoming more and more of your focus, and your other focus will be the building pleasure of relaxation as you just begin to let go. Let go of all worries and anxieties. Let go of all doubts and hesitations. Let go of all tension and stress. Let go and give in to the pleasure.

Feel that pleasure building and pushing out the knowledge you simply won’t need down, down, down your body and down into your cock. That’s right. It’s as if all the things you’ve learned in school and elsewhere that don’t relate to sports and fitness are simply draining down to that cock right now. 

Now strip off more of those clothes, for it feels so good to be free of them – just as it feels so good to be free your mind of unneeded thoughts. The more you strip away those clothes, the more you also strip away your inhibitions. Simply stripping away anything that’s been holding you back from being the ultimate jock.
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The Support Jock

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The “Masc” Hookup

This story had been previously meant as a Patron exclusive, but it seems an error posting now makes it perfect for a Flashback Friday. Enjoy!

Marcus was excited for his hook-up… but mainly because the guy had no idea who he was. Marcus, though, knew exactly who he was. The hook-up was the type of guy that only showed off his muscled body, listed masc4masc, couldn’t host, and seemed to be very much on the downlow… the type Marcus normally would have avoided. Yet, Marcus recognized a tattoo on the man’s arm enough to realize it was an old classmate from school; a bit of a homophobic bully. The fact he was dealing with internalized homophobia with a profile like that made complete sense to Marcus, even if he found it a bit pathetic. This hook-up though was about to change all that, because Marcus had a secret weapon: hypnotic knowledge. He was already putting it to use in the subliminals of the music playing in the background as the former bully entered.

“Are you sure I don’t know you? We hook up before? You look so familiar.”

“Just relax, stud,” Marcus said as he took off Aidan’s shirt, “and I’ll give you a blow job so good you’ll never forget me.”  Aidan laughed, already feeling as if the guy was perhaps not as masc as he had thought from their chat, but he was there and might as well see what skills the guy had to offer. Marcus, for his part, took his time, making sure the programming was given the chance to really sink into Aidan’s subconscious as he slowly began to undress and rub the man whose bulge was already growing bigger.

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