All posts by jockmesmerizer

Flashback Friday: Make the Grade

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here.

At first, I was skeptical about Coach’s program. Was he really hypnotizing the college’s jocks to be dumber – and is that really something I wanted to be part of?  This nation is full of idiots as it is. And that offer to have the jocks suck me seemed like he was setting me up to get fired – professor/student relations in this day and age? And yet as we chatted, I started to feel much more confident in his plan for some reason. It was actually kind of relaxing. And that brings us to my visit from Tommy today. “Yo Teach, Coach put me on fitdimwit track. Says I gotta make the grade some ‘nother way.”

“Yes, Tommy. Coach told me to expect you. Let me get a bit more comfortable – but maybe first, I’ll help you to do the same.”

“Fuck yeah old man.” Ugh, I hated when they called me things like that, but so it was with some of these dumb jocks. Before I started undressing him, I pushed play on the track Coach had made for these encounters. I was to always play it at the start, and I could tell that Tommy was already becoming very relaxed – and increasingly hard.

Some times I zoned out a bit to the tracks too, but that had to be my imagination, right? I mean, I always enjoyed my chats with Coach but surely he had put in suggestions to just target the jock and not affect me too, right? After all, not all professors might be as agreeable to such an arrangement. Heck, I didn’t think I would have been, but Coach somehow convinced me it was the right thing to do. I had no idea doing the right thing would get me so turned on and hard too.

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Black Friday

Ashton was playing a dangerous game. He had been fretting over what to wear to a big party on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, when he saw that some amazing clothes were going to be deeply discounted for Black Friday. There was no way they would ship in time, so he had to get up early to go to the store – but there was also no guarantee the items would still be there. To his relieve, he did find the outfit he was looking for, but he had to buy a size up as his size was already out of stock. Initially he thought it might not be that bad, but then he remembered he had a friend that did costumes for a local theater. “Hey, Terrell? It’s Ashton. I’m sure you’re busy with the holiday, but do you have any time at all today to tailor an outfit for me? It’s a fashion emergency. and I’d need it by Saturday night.”

“You’re in luck bud; I have a Friendsgiving tomorrow but am free today. Why don’t you plan to hang around some too? Be great to watch a movie and catch up.”

“What was that you were saying, Ash?”

“Huh? Oh, sorry, guess I zoned out to the beat of this music. I was just saying thanks again for doing this, Terrell.”

“No problem, bud, but you didn’t need to take your shirt off.”

“I guess I just was feeling warm and comfortable. It’s so cozy in here. Really makes me want to cuddle up when we watch a movie together. I hope that’s okay.”

“Of course, stud. You can cuddle up to me as close as you’d like.”

“I’d really like that, handsome. Is it weird that I just called you handsome? I mean, you are, but we’ve been friends for so long.”

“Relax, handsome. We can be handsome gentleman relaxing together.”

Continue reading Black Friday

Muscle-Obsessed Meathead

“Coach, your hypnosis has truly helped me grow and become more comfortable in my own skin. I used to hate being shirtless but now I love showing off this physique. Yet, it’s so hard to keep at it when I feel like life keeps getting in the way. I’ve always cared too much about what other people think, be it what they think of my career or how I dress or anything else. I’ve always been aiming to impress. Yet, I’m realizing more and more that I’ve never felt happier than when I focus on muscle just for me. Is this something you can help me with?”

Sure is, jock, and it starts with helping you to further strip away all those anxieties and insecurities. As you listen to My voice, you already feel yourself wanting to just strip away all those worries, simply stripping further down as you relax. It simply feels so good to truly begin to relax so deep for Me now.

It’s so natural that you’ve realized that muscle is what makes you happy. After all, there is a muscle man inside of you, yearning to take over. He is an alternate version of who you are with all the same memories, but the only thing he cares about is muscle. And muscle is all that he wants you to care about – for he is a total musclehead. And deep down, you have longed to be that musclehead.

Just forget about anything but muscle. Forget about what others expect of you. Forget needing to impress them. Your muscle will impress the only people that begin to matter to you, other muscleheads and Coach. You crave this muscle. You crave to build it on yourself. You crave to show it off. You crave to see it on others and love helping them grow bigger. You want to hang with other big, buff men, just as buds hanging out and working out. And the thought of all of this is just beginning to turn you on so much, as you continue to strip away all inhibitions and simply give in now to the pleasure of being a musclehead.

Continue reading Muscle-Obsessed Meathead

New Recording: Meathead Persona

So while this has been released for a while as something Patrons could purchase at  discounted prices, I’m overdo for having it as a general release – something I realized when writing the last reward story. Part of my delay is that I’m still searching for new selling places after the unfortunate shutting down of IndieBill; please message Me if you have any recommendations! Not many places are keen on erotic hypnosis these days due to strict credit card rules and the concept of consent, even though you’re totally consenting to these recordings as you choose to download/listen. And some of you will love consenting to having your inner meathead takeover!That’s right. In this erotic stroke-along file, you simple become more and more obsessed with muscle with every stroke until you are a total musclehead who must keep hitting that gym to stimulate muscle growth. From muscle jocks to bodybuilders, it can feel good to just think less and less about other things that are not as important, and more and more about that muscle as that meathead persona inside of you takes over. And as hot as that is, the end doesn’t give an orgasm but has you save that energy for your next workout – though those not in chastity can enjoy one after their workout as reward if they’d like – perhaps while flexing and thinking even more about that muscle.

ONLY $17.99!
Click Below, or Contact Coach for Alternative Methods

Buy from HypnoSuperior at In-Charge.Net
Buy from TheMesmerizer through

Brotherhood of Muscleheads

“Coach, ya know how it was Veteran’s Day yesterday?”

I’m aware, jock. 

“Like, I’m not envious of anyone that’s gone to war or nothin’ like that, but sometimes I wish I was still part of somethin’ special. Like when I was on your team, Boss.”

You’re welcome back as an Assistant Coach anytime, jock. 

“Thanks, Coach, but I ain’t no leader. And it’s something else I miss. Like… the feeling of brotherhood?”

I understand, jock. Perhaps you need to join My muscle army. 

“You have an army, Coach?”

Well, not any that are going to war – except in the gym.  But a group of guys dedicated to the brotherhood of muscle. How would you like to begin stripping away all those inhibitions you’ve had about growing truly big, and start becoming Muscle Army Strong, jock?

“You think I can get even bigger, Coach?”

Of course you can, jock. Just keep stripping away those clothes, as you also begin to strip away any resistance you’ve had to being a big muscle guy. And as you start to think more and more about muscle, you begin to realize that there’s nothing else you really need to think about. You just need to let go of any of those thoughts that have been holding you back, and of any intelligence you simply do not need. You’re simply going to be getting bigger and bigger, and so your mind  needs that room to think about that muscle. And thinking about that muscle is starting to make your cock, get bigger and bigger, giving room for those brains to just drain right down. 

Continue reading Brotherhood of Muscleheads