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In honor of Veterans Day in the U.S., here’s another story that was previously for $5+ level but now is free as a special holiday Flashback Friday.
The first Friday of the month often features a flashback story, which often has been improved upon. Original here.
As you go down so very deep, you find yourself forgetting who you were. Everything just emptying out of your mind. The more it empties, the more it is filled with my words. You work out. You eat right. You build muscle. You serve and obey Coach. His pleasure is your pleasure.
I know that doesn’t sound like such a big deal to some of you, but it might drive you to do things you never thought you’d do because it will leave you desperate to fuck. And if the only thing around is that pumpkin that is making you horny, you will fuck that pumpkin. This isn’t some excuse for being curious. This is a warning that this will happen to you if you watch that movie. How do I know? Because it happened to me, ya’ll. I’m not some weirdo but there I was carving my pumpkin and I just couldn’t help myself. It was like I was compelled to do it.”