All posts by jockmesmerizer

Hard Muscle, Simple Musclehead

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Recruiting a FitDimWit

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Recruiting a Recruiter

That’s it, jock. You want to be such a good boy for Coach, I can already tell. And because you want to be such a good boy for Coach, it’s so easy for you to begin letting go to My words. Nothing else matters in this moment, in fact you can feel all those unneeded thoughts begin to strip away. No need for worries. No need for stress. No need for insecurities or inhibitions. Just strip them all away as you begin to feel more and more comfortable with Me. That’s it, jock. It feels so comfortable to strip down for Coach. It feels so comfortable to strip down for Me as you are left getting so hard at the thought of submitting further to your Coach. You love the idea of being shaped and molded by your Coach, already so hard at the thought of building that harder muscle for Me. That desire builds and builds inside of you as you find it easer and easier to give in to Me right now.

Give in to that desire as you begin to stroke that cock for Coach now. Allow every stroke up and down that dick to help you let go further. Letting go of all resistance. Letting go of any unnecessary thoughts. Letting go as you realize, there’s no real need to think at all.

You’ll work in one of My gyms, learning to be a trainer, and so muscle is all you really know. How to build it. Tips to grow it. Just more of a total meathead with each stroke, wanting to grow bigger and bigger for Me. Yet, that takes time, and so even now, you can feel more and more confident that you are becoming such an Alpha jock who simply does not need to really think. It’s just so much better to be a simple jock.

If you do think, you think with that dick. You feel it get hard as you think of building that muscle for Me. You feel it get hard as you think of flexing and showing off that muscle. You feel it get hard as you think of having your increasingly hard muscles worshiped by others. The more you imagine this, the more confident you become in the jock you are becoming. You are eager to please Coach, you also love the thought of helping Coach find other eager jocks.

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The Jock’s Reward

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Flashback Friday: Discovering a Jockpup

The first Friday of the month often features a flashback story, which often has been improved upon. Original Here.

“Fuck yeah Coach, your hypnosis has us pumped up.”

“Totally. Me and my bro has never been so fit.”I’m glad the workout hypno is motivating you, guys.

How would you like to use it to explore other desires you may have?

“I ain’t wanna be anything but your good jock Coach!”

Well, let’s see just how true that is with a nice stroke session. That’s right jocks… simply get in position and begin stroking each other’s cocks as you each drift into a nice easy trance. Soon we’ll be going deep down into your most secret desiresYet, no matter how much you have guarded your desires, you feel so completely safe to explore those desires here now. Safe with Me and with your trusted teammate. Safe to tell Coach anything, because deep down, it just feels so good to open up to Me. Imagine all the positions you could have. All the roles you could have.  All the personas you could become.
Continue reading Flashback Friday: Discovering a Jockpup

Flashback Friday: The NYE Party

This Patron exclusive is now available to everyone as a special holiday Flashback Friday. Happy New Year, everyone!

Brooks had volunteered for an event at a New Year’s Eve party, though he felt a bit silly dressing up just in a bowtie and underwear for it.  ‘As long as it’s for a good cause,’ he thought, ready to help out one of his favorite charities.

The party seemed to have everything – acrobats, go-go dancers, even a hypnotist.  The young man had never believed he was an easy target, and dismissed his zoning in and out as being distracted. He was busy volunteering and it’s not like he was paying total attention. Every once in a while, he’d hear a line like: “The next pics you see will drive you wild,” where the hypnotist then held up some photos to the young man in front of him. Only hearing the action and not seeing it, Brooks ended up mishearing it as “pecs,” but he didn’t give it too much though. Sure he was dazed here and there, but then a guest would walk by and he’d refocus even as words like “will be your new obsession” could be heard. 

‘Man, I need to stop zoning out! Maybe I should go see if they need help in the back,’ Brooks thought. And strangely enough, that kept him from seeing some pecs of the next performers.

It was only a matter of time until he ran into someone though, and soon he had ran into one of his fellow volunteers. Brooks felt like he was suddenly seeing the most magnificent pecs ever, right  in front of him.

“Can I help you buddy?,” the muscled hunk said.

The hypnosis intended for the guest had sunk in after all, though slightly misinterpreted.” Your pecs are amazing. Can I  worship them? Like…. wow…. I think I’m in love with you.”

“I think you’ve had a bit too much to drink, buddy, and that’s a big no no given we’re volunteering here. But come on, they want a group pic but in some other underwear we need to change into quick. Some type of paid sponsorship for special pics.

Brooks grew more enamored. It seemed that whether he heard pic or pec, pics or pecs, the similarities were enough to trigger him. It’s why hypnotists are encouraged to come up with unique triggers, but it was too late now. Every  time he heard it, he craved those pecs more.

It seemed like the word on the new briefs was coming true. Brooks was addicted.

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Turning Greg Into a Sniff Pig

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Santa’s Visit

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