All posts by jockmesmerizer

Get Away From It All

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Simply a Meathead

Warning: Hypnotic language to be a simply obedient meathead below.

Just keep letting go jock as you continue to relax for Coach, feeling so good to simply drift deeper and deeper with every word. It feels so good for you to start thinking less and less about all those things that simply would weigh you down, and to think more and more about the weights that you will lift up as you become more and more of that total meathead. That’s right, meathead. Just a simple musclehead so focused on building muscle for Coach and little else. Lifting for muscle. Eating right to grow muscle. Eating more clean foods to grow muscle. Taking supplements to grow muscle. Resting those muscles so they grow as your body recharges for your next workout. It all just feels so good as you allow that meathead to take over more and more as you strip off your clothes and strip away all inhibitions.

Simply shed off any lingering resistance as you continue to shed off those clothes. It’s such a wonderful feeling, knowing that you can simply be so focused on building that muscle. And as you realize that’s all you need to think about, you might find that you need to empty more and more of that mind so you can fill it with more and more knowledge about bodybuilding. As you empty that mind, those thoughts you do not need anymore simply flow down into your cock and make that dick fill up. It just feels so good to be so simply focused on muscle, and you are left so aroused as a result. It’s all so natural, and it’s all so simple. So simple as you submit further and further to My suggestions and to My power. Shed off the last of your clothes and the last bits of your resistance right now.
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Use Your Mind or Lose Your Mind

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A Simple FuckToy for the Team

Just relax, jock, and all yourself to become a simple horny bottom for Coach. That’s right. Soon all you’ll think about is getting to be such a good bottom for Me and for the team, loving to be fucked over and over in the locker room by them and in private here by Me. It feels so good to strip away all inhibitions as you’ve stripped out of those clothes, and as you begin to feel more relaxed and more comfortable, you can strip down even farther. That’s it. Just stripping away all resistance as you now strip off that underwear too, already becoming so easily compliant and ready to stroke to Coach’s words.

It feels so good to let yourself just become more and more simple for Me. Just a simple jock, who simply loves building his body and having his body used. Just a simple jock who is always so happy and horny. You can’t help but smile being in the presence of Alpha jocks or your Coaches. You can’t help but be so eager to please Us. The more My words soak in to your subconscious, the more you find it so hard to think about anything but the pleasure of being a simple horny jock. Simply letting go more and more of all that intelligence you simply do not need. Just a simple FitDimWit ready to serve as the team’s fucktoy, your hole ready to be used when needed for stress relief or because they simply want to celebrate a victory. Thinking is getting harder, but your dick is getting harder too – go ahead and just think with your dick.
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Seducing His Supervisor

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Warning: Triggering hypnotic language is used within.

So, you want to be even dumber, huh jock? Once you cum out some of those brain cells, it can be hard to get them back, so you better be certain that you can survive as a dumb jock. Because the best dumb jocks aren’t just a bit dim, they’re downright stupid as they think with their dicks.  But you like the thought of thinking with your dick, don’t you, jock? In fact, it’s already starting to turn you on. Simply becoming so aroused to the point that you simply have no choice but to begin stroking that cock, nice and slow as you feel yourself becoming dumber with each and every stroke. Simply finding it harder to think as you get harder.

And being so simple-minded makes it so simple for you to just strip out of those clothes for Coach right now, knowing that you also are stripping away all your inhibitions and resistance as you do. You simply cannot resist the idea of letting go of that intelligence now.  With each stroke, you find yourself forgetting more and more about history. You start forgetting how to do math problems. You forget the meaning of big words as you find it harder and harder to read. Just becoming dumb in almost all areas, except for fitness and sports – because even dumb jocks know how to take care of their bodies.
Continue reading Dick-Brained

Dumbing Down & Horning Up

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