All posts by jockmesmerizer

The Birthday Jockslave

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Coach’s Birthday Cake

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Co-Captains Thanked by Coach

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A Surprise for Coach

“Hey Coach, we got you a present for your birthday!”

“We know you love a hot athlete, and we ran into this soccer player at a pub and realized he would be perfect for you!”

“Especially when we used some of the techniques we’ve learned from you and realized just how susceptible he is!”

“He’s programmed to submit to you all weekend long, and we even had him prepare somethin’ special for ya, Coach!”

“Yeah, Coach, sit back and enjoy the show!”

“We thought it’d be fun to have him give you a birthday striptease!”

“In fact, he thinks he’s an escort we’ve hired for you for the weekend and that stripping is part of the job.”“Don’t worry, Coach, we made sure the suggestions were temporary! He’s too high profile of an athlete to join the stable. But he’s always under a lot of pressure and was really excited about escaping for the weekend. I don’t think he realizes just what we had in mind, but he’s very suggestible!”

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The Neighbor’s Game

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Loving That Pool Life

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Stupid Horny for That Dick

Go ahead, jock, and just relax for Coach. Relax and begin to let go of all other thoughts right now. Those other thoughts simply do not matter as you focus on the pleasure of relaxation. And as you relax, you can specifically feel that change in blood flow resulting in your dick beginning to get hard. Go ahead and focus on that as you begin to let go of all inhibitions. It feels so good to be thinking of nothing but this pleasurable relaxation and how it fills your dick. Keep letting go of all those things you no longer need. Leave only those things that help you grow muscle and be a good jock for Coach.

That dick is getting bigger in part because all those thoughts you simply do not need are draining down, down, down into it. Simply let that high IQ drop down into your dick, leaving only those basic smarts you need for survival and workouts. All extra knowledge simply is not important to you anymore.It feels so good to begin stripping down for Coach as you also strip away the last lingering bits of resistance. Nothing to keep you back from becoming a horny dumb jock who finds it harder and harder to think. But your dick is getting harder and harder too, so why not just think with that dick?
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Buddies Who Work Out Together…

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The Spinning Wheel

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Flashback Friday: Patriotic Cravings

Originally a Patron exclusive, this story has been made free both as part of Flashback Fridays and as part of being a holiday weekend in the U.S.

“Hey, what gives man? I thought this was supposed to be a party. Where’s everyone else?”

“Harvey, you got your times mixed up and came early. But you might as well hang out until everyone else arrives. Here, let’s put the parade on the TV.”“Dude, I think something’s wrong with your TV. There’s like some weird spiral over the parade.”

“Huh. Probably problems at the station. Just ignore it, bud, you can still see.”

Ronan watched as his friend began to zone out to the spiral overlay mixed with subliminals. It  seemed his friend was in trance, a theory he confirmed as the hairy hunk remained motionless as a new audio track began to play. As his mind received new conditioning, Ronan gave him a new visual to focus on. Harvey woke up unaware of how much time had passed but feeling grateful to have been invited over by his friend. Thoughts of other party guests faded from Harvey’s mind, though the programming left him craving wieners and cake. And soon, that was exactly what Ronan presented to him.
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