Dumb Jock Top

So, you want to become a better athlete, huh, jock? Well, one of the best ways to do that is make sure your brain focuses only on all things jock. That’s right. Focusing more and more on how to best play your game. Focusing more and more on how to strengthen your muscles in the gym in ways that optimize your performance. Focusing more and more on bonding with current teammates as well as helping to recruit new jocks to the team. 

As you relax for Me, you will find all these things becoming more and more of your focus, and your other focus will be the building pleasure of relaxation as you just begin to let go. Let go of all worries and anxieties. Let go of all doubts and hesitations. Let go of all tension and stress. Let go and give in to the pleasure.

Feel that pleasure building and pushing out the knowledge you simply won’t need down, down, down your body and down into your cock. That’s right. It’s as if all the things you’ve learned in school and elsewhere that don’t relate to sports and fitness are simply draining down to that cock right now. 

Now strip off more of those clothes, for it feels so good to be free of them – just as it feels so good to be free your mind of unneeded thoughts. The more you strip away those clothes, the more you also strip away your inhibitions. Simply stripping away anything that’s been holding you back from being the ultimate jock.

Thinking is becoming harder and harder – but so is that dick. And so why not just let those hards cancel each other out and find it so easy to think with that dick? It’s so very simple, and so are you – and that simply feels so very good as you now strip off that underwear as well as any lingering resistance.

Good jocks focus on improving their performance. You focus on improving your performance both on and off the field. And that’s why deep down as you give in to your lust, you also find yourself beginning to lust more for your teammates and for other jocks. You begin to find their muscle and potential for muscle even sexier.

You begin to find yourself fantasizing about fucking them. Because deep down, you are not simply becoming a dumb jock for me, but a dumb jock top that helps me recruit other jocks for the team. And it feels so very good to take your natural dumb jock charm and find pick-up games or to chat up other young jocks in the gym and show them just how happy you are to have worked with Coach on becoming more focused on your performance. With less stress, less worries, less distractions, it’s so easy for you to hone your craft and skills, and soon you will be left impressing those with your abilities as well. And as impressed as they are with your abilities, the aim is to leave them even more impressed with your simple mind and that big dick you now think with as you totally and permanently become that FitDimWit for Coach. That’s a good jock!

The above is fiction though some can enjoy a more simple mindset with the help of hypnosis, and all can enjoy thinking more with their dicks as they enjoy the hot young jocks showing off at BoyFun.com – click here for more!

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