A Simple Laborer

So, you have wanted a simpler life, huh stud? To just let go of all the stresses and worries of the corporate world. And it’s not that simple jobs are not without their own demands, for simple jobs do require work. And yet, there’s something great in learning one simple specialty and not needing to think about anything else. There’s something great in simply being a simple laborer who simply can be a man of action.

No need to have to brainstorm the next new big thing and no pressures about trying to sell someone a complicated new service – you’ll simply know exactly what you need to do as you enjoy that simple job of labor.  And with apps allowing you to perform tasks, it’s easier than ever to get hired for a simple task at hand. A job where you simply do not need to think much at all. So go ahead and keep letting go of all those other stray thoughts.

You simply do not need to still know those things that will no longer matter to you, as you are lift only with the simple knowledge for your trade and for things like working out. Strip away that unneeded intelligence more and more as you also strip off those clothes. Strip down further as you keep letting go until all those inhibitions have been stripped away as well. It all simply feels so good as you keep stripping down for Coach, becoming more and more simple as you do.Just a simple laborer whose hard body helps him perform hard work, and that always feels so good and right. It feels so right to work up a sweat from an honest day’s work, left enjoying that sweaty musk that helps to leave you horny and ready to pig out. And that’s all the more true as you simply begin to think more and more with that dick. Thinking is simply becoming harder and harder – but that dick is growing harder and harder too.

Why not just think with that dick? It’s so easy, and so very simple for simpler blue-collar guys like you. And you love that’s what you are now. No more need for that suit and tie. No more of that dreadful stress. No more white-collar ambitions. You don’t need a fancy home or a fancy car. All you need to do is to be happy. And nothing makes a guy happier than getting to think right with that dick. 

And getting to use your muscles as a laborer will help to keep those muscles hard, and that keeps you hard for all those men with muscles you might encounter along the way. Just loving to go service a sink as you learn to become the latest FitDimWit of a tradesman, knowing that such a handsome hunk like you is then bound to get serviced as well. Especially when you are left playing Coach’s music at your gigs helping to recruit more FitDimWits.

That’s right, stud. Not only will you enjoy being so simple enjoying a life of simple labor and simple pleasures, you’ll also enjoy helping other guys to discover how much they also crave such a simple life. Because who wouldn’t want to simply be so simple when it simply feels so good? Empty minds fill with more pleasure, and more pleasure fills a simply empty mind! Feel that pleasure washing through you now as you accept all of this as your new reality, and then start truly thinking with that dick about how horny you always are after a training session with Coach. While you might get to fuck some of the potential new recruits, you love presenting that ass for Coach as you show Me just how grateful you are to be the newest FitDimWit!

The above is fantasy though hypnosis can help you explore being a bit more simple, or simply enjoy the hot hunks of MenHardAtWork.Suite703.com – click here for more!

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