Flashback Friday: Think Muscle

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here.

That’s it, jock.  Just drift into that nice deep trance. It just feels so good to let right go as you do. Letting go more and more stress. Letting go more and more of worries. Letting go of anything that’s been holding you back from building that muscled body you have been craving deep down. All you need to think about is muscle. Focus on that muscle right now.That’s it. Just flex and focus on that muscle you’ve been building so big. It’s all that matters to you. You simply need to grow it bigger. 

As you strip off those clothes now, you find yourself able to strip away that intelligence. You simply do not need to think right now about anything but muscle. Just go ahead and stroke that cock now, and feel yourself dumbing down with every stroke. Simply letting go as any remaining brain cells simply drain right to your cock. Thinking is hard. Your dick is hard. Just start to think with your dick now.

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