Topic: Using hypno and dumbing down to escape

I had a day that started out awesome and then turned sour bit by bit until right now I feel completely drained and stressed and don't know what to do with myself. All I could think about on my way home from work was that I wanted to plug in my favourite dumbing down files and let myself just be a stupid meathead for an hour or two.

I'm about to plug in right now, but wanted to know if anyone else uses this fetish as a way to escape their day to day lives, and find out if they think it's a good thing or a bad thing to do.

For me, because it is a goal of mine that I have always had, I think it's important to stay connected to my inner dumb jock in good times and bad, so I think it's helpful. But maybe others disagree or see a different side to things.

Re: Using hypno and dumbing down to escape

For me, my desire to become a dumb jock is tied to my mood. That is, I ALWAYS want to become a jock – a gymrat obsessed with fitness, getting ripped, playing sports, and a sports fan – but, the dumbing down aspect seems to be tied to how I feel about myself at any given moment. When I’m having a good week and things are looking up I just enjoy imagining my muscle transformation. When I’m down in the dumps and it feels like my little world is falling in on me, I want nothing more than to hit reset on my life and become a complete airheaded jock, with my entire center of my being getting shifted exclusively to sports and bodybuilding, quitting my design job because I wouldn’t appreciate art, writing, or other visual creativity anymore because “that shit’s for pussies” anyway. In this extreme mindset, I want nothing more than to abandon all my old relationships because they just “don’t get” what it means to be totally, exclusively devoted to your health and fitness. They’ll get bored or weirded out by my new look, changing personality, and obsession. I’d probably get bored of them not understanding what losers they are for not being more like me and seek out other like minded bros and become part of a pack of wingmen and teammates.

Right now I’m in just such a mood. But the weird thing is, I always know the mood will pass, and so will that desire to become a meathead – so I never seem to be able to fully commit. I’ve frustrated potential coach/hypnotists because of this shift in moods. Maybe I’ll finally have some breakthrough in my career and I’ll never want to be a dumb jock again. Or, maybe I’ll actually end up having an extremely potent hypno session in one of my depressive moods and the motivation to actually work at become a complete musclefreak dumbass will get permanently switched on – no looking back.